04 June 2010 Summary Minutes

04 June 2010 Summary Minutes

Single Issue Call on the At-Large Improvements and Preparing for Brussels

Particpants: CLO, Sebastien Bachollet, Alan Greenberg
Staff: Heidi Ullrich, Seth Greene

1. Revised At-Large Improvements Project Plan

Alan requested that the final sentence of explicit expenses include the the At-Large Project Manager and At-Large staff.

Cheryl added that sentence should also include ICANN staff, professional services, Language services and teleconferences.

Sebastien noted that Implementation of the At-Large Improvements Recommendations should be bold. In addition to this request, "Additional days for the recommendations" should be placed somewhere within the plan.

Cheryl suggested the sentence should be within the tables.

Alan suggested placing the sentence in the planning part of the table.

Sebastien - 2nd paragraph include the layer (RALO level) - Spell out.

Alan - capitalize (C) in At-Large Community

Cheryl - Ensure that Improvements is capitalized

The potential liability of implementation improvements plan is minimal.

Second bullet under liability - sees the strengthening of ALAC/At-Large as a strengthening of ICANN's PDP.

Cheryl noted that working with the SOs ensures that things don't happen pre-maturely. Include examples how we are already integrated into

Include examples how we are already integrated into the PDP processes.

Alan - New Liability: setting expectations with the At-Large Community and ICANN not delivering.

Alan - There is the potential for not meeting the communities' expectations regarding the ALAC Improvements, particularly regarding community outreach and engagement. Inadequate ICANN staffing or funding, or volunteer participation would be the major drivers of this. Regardless of the cause, such failure to meet expectations would impact ICANN's credibility with the At-Large Community as well as in other venues where Internet users interact, inclusive of but not limited to, the IGF, regional activities, etc.).

Seth - this will be the new bullet point number 3.

Seth - Where do we put the issue of mitigating?

Alan - This can be mitigated by ICANN following through with commitments made in association with the At-Large Improvements and At-Large leadership.

Sebastien - Many RALOs are requesting - under the word "engagement" - do you think we need to more explicit?

Cheryl - He is talking about GA's. I don't think we need not that as a liability.

Cheryl - "To ensure that the At-Large Improvements are not implemented. There is a potential risk in At-Large Improvements not being implemented in sync with other PDP."

Alan states the real risk is not in what we are doing, but that the At-large improvements requires the approval of other groups. This may not be forthcoming. However, this is likely not to happen, as there is activity in other communities.

Cheryl - I'm happy if current 3 is the same (as Alan read it)

With that final edit, are we now happy with this document?

Final edits - latest by Sunday.

Cheryl -If the rest of the ExCom are happy, I'm happy.

Cheryl - Other agenda items to be covered?

Meeting Adjourned