2010.01.18 Action Items

2010.01.18 Action Items

In the white paper it must state that there is an expectation that the document will be distributed to the specific At-Large lists: At-Large Worldwide, ALAC-Announce, and the individual RALO lists.

A review of the selection process is to be added as the final milestone in the White Paper.

Staff to add the White Paper Portal link to the AFRALO workspace wiki.

Staff to confirm that ICANN technical support team will be able to support the PAD updates being worked on by Carlton and Dev.

D. Kissoondoyal to work with J. Seng on a draft ALAC high-level statement on the .CAT Registry Agreement's Amendment proposal and how it may impact the ICANN business model. He will then send it to the ExCom list.

S. Bacholllet to contact P. Vande Walle to lead on the development of an ALAC statement on the EOI public comment. C. Samuels will send a note to the current members of the group working on the issue of EOI. A draft is to be ready by the ALAC meeting of 26 January for final sign-off. Staff to notify K. Pritz, who is responsible for this public comment, of ALAC's planned work and time-line on this issue.

CLO to send a reminder to the public and working lists on the issue of the Substantive Agenda of the IGF. The ALAC Executive Committee is to make an affirmative statement based on the comments made by ICANN and CLO at the last IGF meeting including that the IGF needs to continue in a non-binding, discussive format with greater support to the secretariat and the importance of regional and local meetings.

Staff to start a five day vote as soon as possible on the ALAC statement on Final Report on IDNS: Three-Character Requirement and Variant Management.

Staff to work with E. Leibovitch to schedule a new GTLD WG call to further discuss the At-Large comments on the DAGv3.

Staff to inform T. Swinehart that the ALAC statement on Strategic Planning 2010-2013 will be submitted a few days after the close of the public comment period in order to allow discussion on the APRALO meeting of 26 January. Staff to work with APRALO leadership to encourage comments on this issue.

ALAC agenda of 26 January:

P. Vande Walle to be allocated 10 minutes to discuss getting more people involved in the domain name registered using private proxy services issue.

C. Samuels to review progress on PAD automation.

The role of the governance in the accountability and transparency review team to be added to the agenda.

At-Large Nairobi meetings:

Sunday, 7 March to include internal ALAC Review implementation issues in the morning (1/3 of day). The afternoon will focus on how to make the policy development dynamic work better, including macro-strategic planning, regional activities, improving the policy development input work better at all levels (2/3). Forty minutes at the end of the day will address the allocation of ALAC members and Regional leaders to report back on non-At-Large meetings.

A NomCom representative will be given 15 minutes to present to the ALAC and regional leaders in Nairobi on a day other than Sunday, 7 March.

A discussion on how the AoC and the Strategic Plan 2010-2013 willl by synchronized is to take place during the week, other than on Wednesday. P. Dengate-Thrush and J. Karklins are to be invited to this discussion. Time to allocated to this discussion should be between 40-50 minutes.

Briefings related to new gTLDs should cover the issues of morality and public order and excerpts from the DAGv4.

Next ExCom Meeting:
A Doodle is to be sent out for the 18-19 January for the next ExCom call.