Getting Started
Socialtext PeopleAllows you to easily access profile information about your colleagues, form social networks, locate subject matter experts, and discover the activities your colleagues are working on. Help Documentation |
Go to your People (http:-?action=people) page now...
Socialtext DashboardProvides you a personal home page. Here you can surface both business and personal content together on a single screen, helping you pay attention to the items most important to you. Help Documentation |
Go to your Dashboard (http:-_) now...
Socialtext WorkspaceA collection of wiki pages and weblogs, where you can collaborate with your colleagues to create, update, and share information. Workspaces are often organized around a common team, goal, or project. Help Documentation |
Socialtext SignalsProvides social messaging integrated with Socialtext’s enterprise collaboration platform. While it provides a lot of the same great benefits of other micro-sharing tools like Twitter™, Socialtext Signals also provides additional benefits because the messaging occurs in the context of people within an organization working transparently and collaborating on common goals. Help Documentation |
Use Signals now by using the Signals Widget on your Dashboard (http:-_) or use our new Socialtext Desktop AIR Client
Socialtext DesktopSocialtext Desktop is a dynamic desktop application for using Socialtext. It is built on Adobe AIR technology which delivers a rich internet application that works across all desktop platforms – Windows, Macintosh and Linux. Help Documentation |
NEW! Download Socialtext Desktop AIR Client to get started now!