At-Large Working Groups
At-Large Working Groups
Strengthening of At-Large Working Groups
Supported by the At-Large Improvements Project Manager and other At-Large staff, the At-Large community’s activities to strengthen its Working Groups (WGs) will begin immediately following ICANN'sNairobi Meeting.
There are two reasons strengthening the WGs is deemed necessary. First, it was decided that the implementation of the At-Large Improvements would be carried out by the WGs (community call on ALAC Improvements, 17 December 2009). Second, in the months following the At-Large Summit (March 2009), the WGs have been relatively inactive for various reasons, including the At-Large staff’s prior lack of capacity to support them.
The At-Large WGs, with the support of the At-Large Improvements Project Manager and other At-Large staff, will be responsible for allocating among themselves the At-Large Improvement tasks. After this process is discussed by the Working Group Chairs, Vice-Chairs, and ALAC Focal Point personnel in mid-April, the At-Large Project Manager will suggest a method for determining which Improvement tasks go to which WG.
Once these tasks are allocated, the WGs will be responsible for further dividing each into manageable action items, monitoring their progress, and meeting the completion deadlines. Again, the At-Large Improvements Project Manager and other At-Large staff will support the WGs throughout this process.