Meeting #45 - 10 January 2019 @ 16:30 UTC
Meeting #45 - 10 January 2019 @ 16:30 UTC
Leadership Members: Alan Greenberg, Cathrin Bauer-Bulst
ICANN Organization: Jean-Baptiste Deroulez, Jackie Treiber, Brenda Brewer
Apologies: Susan Kawaguchi
- Welcome, roll-call
- Draft Report Updates
- Work plan
- Plenary Call #46
- A.O.B.
Documents: PDF
AC Chat: N/A
Decisions Reached:
- Workplan new version is accepted but current deadline of 25 Jan 19 is still the current target.
Action Items:
- Jean-Baptiste to double check position of graphs in LE google doc
- Rec. 1, Law Enforcement Needs, Contractual Compliance to be added on plenary call agenda (use action items and updated text). Alan to confirm other sections later on.