Meeting #43 - 19 December 2018 @ 16:30 UTC
Leadership Members: Susan Kawaguchi, Alan Greenberg
ICANN Organization: Jean-Baptiste Deroulez, Jackie Treiber, Brenda Brewer
Apologies: Cathrin Bauer-Bulst
- Welcome, roll-call
- Draft Report Updates
- Deadlines & Schedule of Plenary Calls
- ICANN64: Engagement Session
- A.O.B.
- Fact Sheets, as of 30 November 2018
Documents: PDF
AC Chat: N/A
Decisions Reached: N/A
Action Items:
R5.1 Ask Lili whether she wants to update the section in relation to the new recommendation.
Appendix I: Jackie to find a convenient section to put it on front, possibly on methodology section.
Jackie/Susan/Alan to review recommendations on Friday at 10:30 PT.
Susan to review the three recommendations where consensus was reached on last plenary call.
ICANN org to send out a reminder. ICANN org to send out 4 plenary call meeting invitations (7, 14, 21, 28/01), leadership call on 2 January.
Share engagement session description for ICANN64.