Meeting #38 - 13 August 2018 @ 15:00 UTC
Review Team Members: Alan Greenberg, Dmitry Belyavskiy, Chris Disspain, Lili Sun, Volker Greimann, Carlton Samuels, Susan Kawaguchi, Cathrin Bauer-Bulst, Stephanie Perrin
ICANN Organization: Alice Jansen, Charla Shambley, Lisa Phifer, Steve Conte
Observers: /
Apologies: Thomas Walden, Jean-Baptiste Deroulez, Brenda Brewer
Audio recording: EN
AC recording: HERE (apologies, audio not working on AC)
Transcript: EN
Chat Transcript: EN
Observer Chat Transcript: /
- Slides
- Compliance report
- Plan/Annual Reports
- Safeguarding Registrant Data
- Consumer Trust
- Law Enforcement Needs
- Anything New
- IDNs
- Common Interface
- Privacy/Proxy Services
- Data Accuracy
- Outreach
- Single WHOIS Policy
- Strategic Priority
Plenary Call Report: PDF
Decisions Reached/ Action Items:
On Bylaws Amendments
Action item - Alan to deliver bylaws ammendment for review by COB 13 August
On Executive Summary
Action item - Alan to deliver executive summary for review by COB 13 August
On Data Accuracy
Decision reached - Agreement (with at least one objection) on a new proposed R5.1 as revised: The ICANN Board should direct the ICANN Organization to look for potentially-anomalous ARS results (e.g., 40% of ARS-generated tickets closed with no action because the WHOIS record changed) to determine the underlying cause and take appropriate action to reduce anomalies. [Examples to be added to rationale supporting this recommendation, including updates, domains that are not renewed, etc]
Action item -ICANN Org to send follow-up question to GDD and Compliance, requesting a call to discuss why so many ARS-generated tickets are closed with no action (are the records changed, the domains transferred or not renewed, etc)
Action item -ICANN Org to update new proposed recommendation R5.1 in consolidated report, including examples in supporting text (see agreement above)
On Compliance
Action item - Volker and Susan to agree on edits to Finding/Issue f) on grandfathering by COB 14 August
Action item - Stephanie and Susan to agree on edits to risk-based approach by COB 14 August
Action item - ICANN Org to move Rec 4 section text for Objective 6 into separate section and confirm with Susan that appropriate text has been moved by COB 14 August
On Plan & Reports
No additional edits.
On Law Enforcement Needs
Action item - ICANN org to update recommendation LE.2 to refer to "cybersecurity professionals working with law enforcement" instead of "CSP and related professionals" and to frame recommendation in a manner similar to LE.1 (The ICANN Board should resolve...)
On Consumer Trust
Decision reached - Agreement with proposed issues, not recommendations at this time.
On Strategic Priority
Action item - Cathrin to look into possible updates to address Stephanie's comments regarding implementation of RT1's recommendation on incentivization and lack of documentation this RT could use to review/assess that implementation. Any updates to be included in the consolidated report must be provided by COB 14 August.
On F2F4
Action item - ICANN Org to check on 10-12 December availabilty with Erika and Lili, and to check with meetings team on the most cost effective venue(s)
On Roadmap to Draft Report
Action item - ICANN Org to indicate in consolidated draft which sections have not been discussed on plenary calls since F2F3
Action item - All review team members to read the draft report and send any objections/dissent or suggested edits to the full RT mailing-list no later than 26 August. Note: Any substantive objections should be raised ASAP.
- Welcome, roll-call, SoI
- Review new materials and address any edits/objections to all subgroup sections
- Face-to-Face Meeting #4
- Roadmap to Draft Report
- A.O.B.
Call Details 15:00-17:00 UTC (timezone converter here) Interested in listening to the discussion? Go to Learn more about how you can observe RDS-WHOIS2-RT meetings - see here. |