Meeting #30 - 4 June 2018 @ 15:00 UTC

Meeting #30 - 4 June 2018 @ 15:00 UTC


Review Team Members:  Alan Greenberg, Carlton Samuels, Cathrin Bauer-Bulst, Chris Disspain, Lili Sun, Susan Kawaguchi, Volker Greimann, Stephanie Perrin

ICANN Organization:   Alice Jansen, Jean-Baptiste, Lisa Phifer, Steve Conte, Amy Creamer, Trang Nguyen, Brenda Brewer

Observers:  /

Apologies:  Dmitry Belyavsky, Erika Mann

Audio recording:  EN

Adobe Connect recording:  HERE

Transcript:  EN

Chat Transcript:  EN

Observer Chat Transcript:  N/A

Documents:  PDF

Plenary Call Report: PDF

Decisions Reached: 

  • Letter to Theresa/public comment entry: Alan to post public comment that includes edits flagged on call #30.

Action items:

  • Face-to-Face Meeting #3
    • ICANN org to enquire whether 24-25-26 July is still available in meetings team schedule and to issue doodle poll including week of July 16, 24-25, 25-26 July (if still available). 
    • All RT members to hold off on bookings in the meantime. ICANN org to verify with Travel Services whether airplane tickets which were issued can be re-issued, reimbursed.
  • Letter to Theresa / Public Comment Entry
    - Put in a reference to increased cost post-FY19, in there were a pause 
    - Correct the wording where it says 10 working group members, to reflect that Chris is a member but did not vote on this matter

    - Add 10 000


  1. Welcome, Roll-Call, SoI Updates
  2. Short-Term Options To Adjust The Timeline For Specific Reviews
  3. Face-to-Face Meeting #3
  4. Subgroups Status Update
  5. ICANN62
  6. A.O.B.
  7. Confirm Decisions Reached and Action Items 

Call Details

15:00-16:30 UTC (timezone converter here)

Interested in listening to the discussion? Go to https://participate.icann.org/rdsreview-observers

Learn more about how you can observe RDS-WHOIS2-RT meetings - see here.