Meeting #26 - 7 May 2018 @ 14:00 UTC

Meeting #26 - 7 May 2018 @ 14:00 UTC


Leadership Members:   Alan Greenberg, Susan Kawaguchi

ICANN Organization:  Alice Jansen, Jean-Baptiste Deroulez, Lisa Phifer, Brenda Brewer

Apologies:  Cathrin Bauer-Bulst

Agenda:  /

Documents:  /


Zoom Chat:  EN

Decisions Reached: 

  • Leadership call on 9 May is cancelled

Action Items:

  • Alan to contact Volker "to determine if the matters that prevented them from participating actively are expected to continue in the future."
  • Alan to send an email out to the review team asking rapporteurs for a progress update and to confirm that they intend to submit their final subgroup report by 24 May deadline
  • ICANN org to send out an email to the RT regarding public holidays on 21 & 28 May