Meeting #10 - 12 October 2017
Review Team Members: Alan Greenberg, Erika Mann, Volker Greimann, Dmity Belyavsky, Cathrin Bauer-Bulst, Lili Sun, Carlton Samuels, Thomas Walden
ICANN Organization: Jean-Baptiste Deroulez, Steve Conte, Alice Jansen, Lisa Phifer, Brenda Brewer
Observers: Svitlana Tkachenko, Sara Bockey, Fabien Betremieux
Apologies: Susan Kawaguchi, Chris Disspain, Stephanie Perrin
Audio recording: EN
Adobe Connect recording: HERE
Transcript: EN
Chat Transcript: EN
Observer Chat Transcript: EN
- RDS Plenary 12 October 2017 v1
- Scope and Objectives-v10-draft-clean
- RDSWHOIS2-Subgroup-Matrix-v2
- WHOIS1 ImpBriefings Plenary calls mtg-101117
Decisions Reached:
Action items:
- Statement of Interests:
- ICANN org to clarify what is meant by signing electronically.
- Scope & Objectives:
- WHOIS1 Recs: Susan to lead discussion during next plenary call on a framework to measure and assess the effectiveness of RT1 recommendations
- WHOIS1 Recs: ICANN org to inventory changes made to WHOIS policies since the first RT completed.
- OECD Guidelines: Lisa, Alan and Erika to work together on wording for OECD guidelines, version to be shared ahead of the next plenary meeting.
- ICANN org to apply agreed edits to this Scope and Objectives table for redistribution.
- Lisa and Alan to draft text to draft text for an additional item indicating that the team will also review ICANN's bylaws pertaining to the RDS review, in accordance with ICANN's bylaws.
- ICANN org to clean the Scope and Objectives table and incorporate Objectives text only into the ToR.
- Objectives: Expressions of interest and first-pass planning assignments
- ICANN org to update and resend table of assignments to review team, requesting any changes be suggested no later than Monday. ICANN org to also send an email to those who are not on the call to confirm assignments. If any changes are needed, ICANN org to make the necessary changes in advance of next plenary call.
- Terms of Reference
- ICANN org to add RDAP definition and shorten IDN definition.
- ICANN org to adjust scope and match timeline in terms of reference to 12 months
- Implementation Briefings Questions
- RT members to review Implementation Briefings questions and send any additional questions or changes by Tuesday 17 October
- Welcome, roll-call, SoI
- Scope & Objectives
- Objectives: Expressions of interest and first-pass planning assignments
- Work plan
- Terms of Reference
- Status update on incomplete sections
- Consensus policy
- Implementation briefings questions
- Confirm action items/decisions reached
- A.O.B.
Call Details 12:30-14:00 UTC (timezone converter here) Interested in listening to the discussion? Go to Learn more about how you can observe RDS-WHOIS2-RT meetings - see here. |