Transparency Meeting #4 (22 September @ 13:00 UTC)
Sub-group Members: Avri Doria, Barbara Wanner, Beth Bacon, Brett Schaefer, Chris Wilson, David McAuley, George Sadowsky, Jorge Gonzalez, Julf Helsingius, Michael Karanicolas, Pablo Mazurier, Par Brumark, Philip Corwin, Raoul Plommer, Shreedeep Rayamajhi. (15)
Staff: Bernard Turcotte, Brenda Brewer, Karen Mulberry, Theresa Swinehart, Yvette Guigneaux. (5)
Apologies: Alan Greenberg.
** If your name is missing from attendance or apology, please send note to **
The Adobe Connect recording is available here:
The audio recording is available here:
1. Introductions
2. The WS2 Draft Staff Paper discussion
3. Agreement of Avenue Forward
4. AOB
(including relevant elements of the chat):
1. Introductions
- Michael Karanicolas: 2 main objectives today as per the agenda.
2. The WS2 Draft Staff Paper discussion
- Michael Karanicolas: The paper lists a lot of good sources and background material. ICANN seems torn between the various models of transparency reporting. We expect more from ICANN than just what corporate level standards for reporting and disclosures. Pro-active disclosure re govtt contacts seems a good starting point but good policies in this area go much further - we would expect that ICANN should be at the level of govts. Pro-active disclosure and DIDP rules need to be harmonized.
- (note taker lost connectivity temporarily)
- Barbara Wanner: I read the NAVEX review of ICANN's Hotline Policy and agree with Michael that its a solid product. Happy to work with others in developing recommendations that build upon the NAVEX report. I may have to drop off early, so just indicating interest. Thx!
- David Mcauley: disclosure vs IRP.
- Michael Karanicolas: uncertain how it would apply in this case.
- David McAuley (RySG): Open by default sounds good, with limited exceptions.
- Michael Karanicolas: We have not yet prioritized between our 3 main topics but we should do so for the work plan.
3. Agreement of Avenue Forward
- Michael Karanicolas: early enthusiasm for drafting has significantly dropped over the last few weeks. This seems to be happening in many groups. One possible explanation is the FEAR OF THE BLANK PAGE.
- Chris Wilson: we should review the new timeline presented in the plenary this week. We need to get some substantive material on paper for Hyderabad about 3 weeks prior to that meeting. Looking forward to comments from the group.
- Michael Karanicolas: It would seem the best way forward would be to have the rapporteurs draft a first cut and have participants to comment.
- David McAuley: for DIDP we could just start commenting on the current policy.
- Michael Karanicolas: We have essentially done that at the start of our work. (discussion of previous analysis of DIDP as presented in the paper = Thematic Overview). I will start drafting the DIDP section - Could Barbara Wanner start working on the whistle blower (yes). Chris Wislon to start on disclosure for government interaction - need participants for rest of Disclosure. ACTION ITEM - Lets aim to have a draft of all sections completed for October 14th (no objections) which could be discussed by the group at its meeting of Oct 20th.
4. AOB
- Chris Wilson will work with staff to finalize a call schedule.
- Michael Karanicolas: (no other topics or poitns) Adjourned.
Action Items:
- Aim to have a draft of all sections completed for October 14th (no objections) which could be discussed by the group at its meeting of Oct 20th. Michael Karanicolas will staft drafting the DIDP section - Barbara Wanner will start working on the whistle blower. Chris Wislon to start on disclosure for government interaction - need participants for rest of Disclosure
Documents Presented
Chat Transcript
Yvette Guigneaux: Welcome to the Transparency Subgroup Meeting #4 22 September 2016 @ 13:00 UTC
Chris Wilson: Brenda, I am x6514. Thanks.
Brenda Brewer: Thank you Chris!
Barbara Wanner: Hi Brenda, I am x3155. Thanks!
Michael Karanicolas: Hi all
Brenda Brewer: Thank you Barbara!
Julf Helsingius (GNSO NCPH NCA): Good afternoon!
David McAuley (RySG): Hi Brenda, I am 4154
Julf Helsingius (GNSO NCPH NCA): yes
Pär Brumark (GAC Niue): Hi all!
Jorge Gonzalez: Good morning. Yes I can here you
Brenda Brewer: Thank you David!
Philip Corwin: I am 703-5316
Yvette Guigneaux: Thank you Philip!
Barbara Wanner: I read the NAVEX review of ICANN's Hotline Policy and agree with Michael that its a solid product. Happy to work with others in developing recommendations that build upon the NAVEX report. I may have to drop off early, so just indicating interest. Thx!
Chris Wilson: Thanks, Barbara.
David McAuley (RySG): Thanks staff then - good paper
David McAuley (RySG): Open by default sounds good, with limited exceptions
Shreedeep Rayamajhi: good paper
Avri Doria: happy to help
Barbara Wanner: Sounds like a good plan.
David McAuley (RySG): 14th sounds good as we have a call on 20th, no?
David McAuley (RySG): i agree on scapprimng call of 6th
David McAuley (RySG): scrapping, that is
David McAuley (RySG): Thanks Michael, Chris, staff and all, good bye
Raoul Plommer: Cheers!
Julf Helsingius (GNSO NCPH NCA): Thank you!
Philip Corwin: Bye all
Michael Karanicolas: Thanks everyone!
Bernard Turcotte Support Staff: bye all