Action Items for 2014.06.16

Action Items for 2014.06.16

  • Staff to publish the 5/4, 5/19, 6/2 meeting minutes.
  • Tripti to confirm with membership committee on whether the notices on application deadline has been sent to the community and confirm whether membership committee is planning to accept applications beyond this first deadline.
  • Tripti to send RSSAC caucus information session details (including remote participation) to those who have expressed interest in joining the caucus.
  • Steve to provide remote participation information for RSSAC London Meeting
  • Liman to send the revised agenda for the RSSAC executive sessions in London
  • Staff to work with RSSAC Chair to prepare the publication of the statement on RSSAC 001 and RSSAC 002, taking consideration of the discussion on this topic. The statements will be published as an ICANN announcement with the links to the draft RSSAC 001, 002.
  • Suzanne to draft an outline on how to handle the selection of RSSAC representatives to the IANA stewardship transition coordination committee.