Action Items for 2014.06.02

Action Items for 2014.06.02

  • Carlos Reyes to publish meeting notes a few days after each meeting and take into Daniel’s request into consideration.
  • Carlos Reyes to distribute 5 May and 19 May minutes. 
  • RSSAC exec to publish their SOI to the wiki for RSSAC caucus.
  • RSSAC exec will review the progress of the formation of RSSAC caucus on its next teleconference
  • Paul VixieTripti Sinha, and Kaveh Ranjbar (Deactivated) (the Membership Committee) to draft a communication to various mailing lists alerting people that the initial application period for RSSAC caucus is closing at the close of ICANN London meeting.
  • Lars-Johan Liman to propose on the mailing list a deadline for the comments on the procedures document.
  • Lars-Johan Liman to draft agendas for London sessions.
  • Daniel Karrenberg to draft a statement on RSSAC 001 to circulate to the RSSAC exec list. 
  • Carlos Reyes to revoke the action item to form the group to follow up on IANA stewardship transition.
  • Carlos Reyes to change the “caucus meeting” to “information session for RSSAC caucus” in the meeting request.