15 June 2023 RSSAC Sessions at ICANN77
15 June 2023 RSSAC Sessions at ICANN77
RSSAC Work Session (1 of 2)
RSSAC Messaging on RSS
RSSAC Meeting
Audio Recording and Transcript: https://icann77.sched.com/event/1NMwa/rssac-meeting?iframe=no
RSSAC Work Session (2 of 2)
RSS Security Incident Reporting
This is a work session of the Root Server System Advisory Committee (RSSAC) focused on RSS Security Incident Reporting. The work session is open to observers.
- Discuss upcoming RSSAC Caucus work party on Security Incident Reporting
- Make recommendations to work party from an RSO perspective
- Provide background to work party members on motivation, history, and context
Audio Recording and Transcript: https://icann77.sched.com/event/1NMwd/rssac-work-session?iframe=no