2022-03-09 ICANN73 Registration Data Policy Implementation IRT Meeting

2022-03-09 ICANN73 Registration Data Policy Implementation IRT Meeting

The meeting of the Registration Data Policy Implementation IRT is scheduled for Wednesday, 09 March 2022 at 20:30 UTC for 60 minutes.


  1. Welcome & Check In
  2. Project Overview 
  3. Policy Implementation Process 
  4. Project Schedule Review 
  5. Board Resolution on Rec 12  
  6. RDAP WG Questions on:
    1. Registrant Email when Redacted
    2. Phone and Fax Extension
  7. Consensus Policy redline review
    1. Registry Registration Data Directory Services Consistent Labeling and Display Policy
  8. Registration Data Policy Draft (OneDoc
    1. Section 4 - Policy Effective Date 
    2. Section 9.2 & 9.5 - Tech Names
    3. Section 9.3, 9.5 & 10.1.8 - Registrant Phone Ext
    4. Addendum 1 - IRT comment 20220302 
    5. Implementation note F.c  - IRT comment 20220216
  9. Drafting Errors/ Implementation Explanations 
    1. #10 DNSSEC Element Transfer from Registrar to Registry Operator
    2. #11: IRT Task 185 & 178 - Name Server IP Address collected by Registrar
    3. #12 IANA ID Data Element Transfer from Registrar to Data Escrow Service Provider
  10. Public Comment Readiness Status Map 
  11. AOB  



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