Co-Chair Meeting #003b Deliverables Discussion | 24 OCT 2024

Co-Chair Meeting #003b Deliverables Discussion | 24 OCT 2024

PHR Members:

Chris Disspain, Sophie Hey

ICANN Organization: Jason Kean, Jessica Puccio, Larisa Gurnick
Meeting Artifacts

Zoom Recording HERE   (01:19:03) Passcode: gch$79%2%% 

Audio Recording:  HERE

Zoom Recording Transcript:  EN

Meeting Report: PDF

Action Items:

  • ICANN to help develop example SOs to provide real world test cases for certain deliverables.

  • Adjust the Draft Work Plan to reflect a new grouping and prioritization of deliverables, following team agreement.

  • Present upcoming schedule and proposed changes for Plenary calls to the PHR Team.