Plenary Meeting #002 | 14 OCT 2024

Plenary Meeting #002 | 14 OCT 2024

PHR Members:

Anil Jain, Bree Alexander, Bukola Oronti, Chris Disspain, Demi Getschko, Eduardo Díaz, Hadia Elminiawi, Irina Daniela, Laurin Weissinger, Rao Naveed Bin Rais, Sébastien Bachollet, Sophie Hey, Steve Crocker, Tracy F. Hackshaw, Vanda Scartezini

Guests (ATRT3 Chairs)

Cheryl Langon-Orr, Pat Kane

ICANN Organization: 

 Alice Jansen, Alp Eken, Berry Cobb, Evin Erdogdu, Giovanni Seppia, Jason Kean, Jean-Baptiste Deroulez, Jessica Puccio, Yvette Guigneaux

Apologies:Tony Holmes

Zoom Recording HERE   (01:22:35) Passcode: 5YOXt=aiJE

Audio Recording:  HERE

Zoom Recording Transcript:  EN

Meeting Report: PDF

Action Items:

  • Send out placeholder calendar invitations for the next 6 months. 

  • Provide a link to the Terms of Reference and the team reviews prior to the next call.
  • Summarize the dialog with the ATRT3 Co-Chairs and share with the PHR Team, remaining cognizant of non-native English speaking members as part of the meeting minutes. 
  • Develop a work plan outlining how the team will conduct work both within calls and independently in-between calls.
  • ICANN org to share a high-level engagement plan outlining opportunities for the review team to communicate their work.
  • Investigate the possibility of securing a room at ICANN81 for any members of the review team already traveling to Istanbul.

Dial-In Details

Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 963 2871 1103
Passcode: k=%@KYzK36
Find your local number: https://icann.zoom.us/u/adBNSD2eOY

13:00 - 14:30 UTC  (timezone converter here)

For questions, please email rsa-coordinators@icann.org.

Agenda Topics

  • Welcome and review of action items  (5 Minutes)
  • Review of Holistic Review and CIP recommendations - Jason Kean (10 minutes)
  • Review of Terms of Reference  — Co-Chairs and Jason Kean (20 minutes)
  • Q&A with Co-Chairs of ATRT3 — Co-Chairs, Cheryl Langdon-Orr & Pat Kane (30 minutes)
  • Meeting Schedule, approach to work, engagement plan  — Review Team (20 minutes)
  • Meeting Summary: decisions reached and action items — Co-Chairs and Jason Kean (5 minutes)

Meeting Presentation - click here