Meeting #06 - 29 June 2023
Dial-In Details:
Meeting ID: 993 8576 0411
Password: PHR_ToR2#
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Meeting Date/Time: Thursday, 29 June 2023 @18:00 UTC [time converter]
Meeting Lead:
- Welcome
- Tentative plan towards Public Comment proceeding (10 min)
- Discussion of Pilot Holistic Review ToR version 2 [3] and ToR team analysis of the public comments (100 min)
- Review of Action Items (5 min)
- Analyze how the Revised ToR addresses Public Comments - ToR Team
- Formulate questions for survey of SO/AC leadership and interested community members, once the ToR team concludes their analysis of how the Revised ToR addressed Public Comments - ICANN org to assist ToR Team
- AOB (5 min)
Attendees: Cheryl Langdon-Orr, Patrick Kane, Osvaldo Novoa, Sebastien Bachollet, Tola Sogbesan, Vanda Scartezini, Avri Doria, Maarten Botterman, Katrina Sataki, Matthew Shears
ICANN Org: Pamela Smith, Jason Kean, Giovanni Seppia, Larisa Gurnick, Sam Eisner, Theresa Swinehart
Ombudsman: Herb Waye
Apologies: NA
Zoom Audio Replay: EN
Zoom Video Replay: EN
- Recordings Password: GsTL4$M?9&
Meeting Transcript: (Unofficial - Zoom)
Chat Transcript: EN
General Meeting Call Report: PILOT HOLISTIC REVIEW Terms of Reference (ToR) TEAM Discussion on Pilot Holistic Review ToR Version 2 – Meeting 6
Decisions Reached:
Plan to bring the PHR Revised ToR to Public Comment
- The group agreed the following work plan:
- Complete Revised ToR by 15 July
- Produce Revised ToR cover note by 15 July
- Socialize Revised ToR and cover note with OEC by 28 July
- Hold webinar in late August
- Brief the Board (Board Workshop 8-10 September)
- Open PC proceeding in late September
Revised community engagement plan
- The group agreed to provide a briefing of ToR revisions via a cover note to the SOs, ACs, and NomCom and hold a webinar in lieu of a formal survey.
Action Items:
- Schedule 1 additional Plenary Meeting on 13 July - ICANN org
- Update revised Action Item - ICANN org
- Clean-up Revised ToR Drafting document and share with the larger group by 10 July - ToR Leadership
- Schedule PHR Revised ToR webinar for late August - ICANN org
- Plan for opening Public Comment for PHR REvised ToR in September - ICANN org