Meet the NomCom2 Independent Examiner

Meet the NomCom2 Independent Examiner

The Analysis Group team is led by Dr. Greg Rafert, and includes experts Dr. Mark Engle and Dr. William Brown. The Analysis Group team has deep practical and research experience in analyzing non-profit (including volunteer-based organization) governance structures and how organizations can develop more effective boards of directors. The team has conducted previous work with ICANN including the Trademark Clearinghouse Review and a two-phase Economic Study Evaluating Competition in the Domain Name Space. Their knowledge of, and contributions to, the non-profit management literature, will allow them to provide specific, actionable recommendations for the NomCom.  For more information on Analysis Group, visit their website.

Independent Examiner

Bio Description

William A. Brown is a professor in the Bush School of Government and Public Service at Texas A&M University where he serves as the program director for the Certificate in Nonprofit Management. Dr. Brown's research focuses on non-profit governance, strategy, and organization effectiveness and he has authored numerous research articles, technical reports, and several practice-oriented publications.

Mark Engle is a principal with Association Management Center in Chicago, IL, where he strives to develop and share new research that leads to advancing the association management profession. Dr. Engle has a Doctor of Management degree and is a frequent author and speaker on governance and high-performing organizations.

Greg Rafert is a Vice President at Analysis Group where he specializes in the application of economic theory to business strategy, policy, and litigation matters. Dr. Rafert has been engaged on numerous business strategy and policy projects involving technology companies and non-profit organizations, and has led several past independent reviews that were commissioned by ICANN.