Study 2 Discussion Subjects
Study 2 Discussion Subjects
> ICANN NCAP DG Data Analysis
- Slide Deck
- Meeting #36, (6 Jan 2021): Meeting Notes and Meeting Zoom Recording
> Results from Name Collision Remediation Efforts
- Verisign Blog: Verisign Outreach Program Remediates Billions of Name Collision Queries
- Discussion is 5 minutes into this Meeting Zoom Recording
- Mitigating the Risk of DNS Namespace Collisions: A Study on Namespace Collisions in the Global Internet DNS Namespace and a Framework for Risk Mitigation
- Discussion is 12 minutes into this Meeting Zoom Recording
- Discussion write up in 2nd paragraph of this Discussion Summary
- Redirection in the .com and .net domains, 2004 report from SSAC
see the wiki page on Board Questions
> Name Collision Analysis of .mail
- Slide Deck
- Meeting #37, (13 Jan 2021): Meeting Notes and Meeting Zoom Recording
> Name Collision Analysis of .internal
- Slide Deck
- Meeting #38, (20 Jan 2021): Meeting Notes and Meeting Zoom Recording