BANGO-Barbados Association of Non Governmental Organisations

BANGO-Barbados Association of Non Governmental Organisations

BANGO-Barbados Association of Non Governmental Organisations

Roosevelt O. King - Secretary General - admin@bango.org.bb

Jason Francis - Deputy Secretary General - jasonkafrancis@gmail.com

#10 Garrison, St. Michael, Barbados, Caribbean  -http://bangoonline.igloocommunities.com

BANGO-Barbados Association of Non Governmental Organisations

BANGO is a national network of organisations in the island of Barbados. It manages several e-mail lists and sites designed to keep the population of NGOs informed and to encourage interaction between them using the internet. Our member organisations are made up of ordinary people trying to make a meaningful contribution to society, using the internet to deliver quality services to the unfortunate in our fast paced world that marginalises these vulnerable people. Hence, BANGO is concerned with making the internet and technology as user friendly as possible to the ordinary average person.

BANGO was established in 1997 after three years of work leading up to its establishment. It was essentially established to deliver critical services to Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) and offer technical and other support to facilitate the work of CSOs.
 BANGO is best described as a National Focal Point for Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) in Barbados and an advocate for the participation of CSOs in the governance of the society. CSOs are therefore free to approach BANGO as of right, since there are no membership fees or any qualification other than being a CSO.
 As a Focal Point, the mandate of the organisation is to be an official channel for the flow of information to and from Government and any other organisations or agencies wishing to communicate with Civil Society or wishing to find particular organisations or groupings of Civil Society.
 The organisation is mandated to keep CSOs abreast of Civil Society affairs and to facilitate their participation in the national and regional policy-making and decision-making processes.
 In this role, BANGO is to CSOs what unions are to workers and what lawyers are to their clients. BANGO will assist any organisation to address any issue on their behalf, and represent them and their views to Government or in any arena or forum.
 BANGO is also concerned with Civil Society matters, especially where issues are unrepresented or under-represented by any organisation. A good example of this is Civil Society relations with CARICOM and the OECS, where there is no other Barbadian organisation operating at the national and regional level and represents and monitors Civil Society business on behalf on the CSOs of Barbados.
 At the national level, BANGO is well poised to represent Civil Society at the level of the Social Partnership and has established relations with these stakeholders; the leaders of Government, Labour and the Private Sector on issues of national importance.
 BANGO therefore opens doors and paves the way for Civil Society participation. It brings CSOs to the table. Through the efforts of BANGO, nearly every Government Department, Statutory Corporation and Committee of Government relates to CSOs in some way or other, either by partnering with, consulting with or having CSO representation on their Boards and Committees.
 BANGO's reputation is such that it is regularly consulted by the social partners as they seek to engage wide Civil Society participation in their plans and activities. It is a public service for all CSOs in Barbados