ADIAR Asociacion de Derecho Informatico de Argentina

ADIAR Asociacion de Derecho Informatico de Argentina

Carlos Dionisio Aguirre

Asociacion de Derecho Informatico de Argentina (ADIAR) | Buenos Aires, Argentina

ADIAR Asociacion de Derecho Informatico de Argentina

Carlos Dionisio Aguirre

 carlosaguirre62@hotmail.com  / contacto@adiar.info


ADIAR Asociacion de Derecho Informatico de Argentina

Internet opens new opportunities in the social model, creating opportunities that must be analyzed from a multidiscipline, and that the phenomena encountered with the technological revolution include legal, economic, social, cultural and technical alter existing structures.In the field of law, this creates new facts and legal acts, which must be regulated in a special way as well, offering opportunities to participate in a level playing field, ensuring technological neutrality and inclusion, to really achieve the "Information Society" .
Building the Information Society requires not only intelligence but also the participation of all stakeholders in a society where everyone is included and access to the benefits the network provides a framework of equality and security.
To do this we must create regulations that lead to this result. No one can be marginalized from the benefits of technological development, offering the possibility of achieving a comprehensive development and provides new tools for the less fortunate.