Improvements Work Team B 09.02.11 Chat
Seth Greene: WT B CHAT: 9 FEBRUARY 2011
Seth Greene: Hello, everyone.
Fouad Bajwa: Hi Seth
Seth Greene: Hello, Fouad.
Wolf Ludwig: Hello everybody -- I am pleased to be at the call today.
CLO: Sorry AC took ages to load :-(
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: Hi all
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: Also discovered aan open source alternative to Adobe Connect :\\
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: yet to try it
Seth Greene: Fouad, apologies but much noise on your line. Would you mind muting when you're not speaking?
Fouad Bajwa: doing!
CLO: I've been disconnected sorry
CLO: back
Fouad Bajwa: Cheryl did you get a call back
Fouad Bajwa: oh okay
Matthias Langenegger: Carlos Aguirre just informed me that due to his work in the GNSO, he is unfortunately no longer able to participate in WT B
Seth Greene: Fouad, would it be poss. for you to mute/unmute line as needed? It is causing much noise, I'm told.
Fouad Bajwa: yeup im muted
Fouad Bajwa: im actually in a closed room ;)
Seth Greene: Thanks!
Fouad Bajwa: no sounds, someone elses mic :)
Fouad Bajwa: i hear the background noise and am listening on full volume
Sandra Hoferichter: This could be an example for a discussion tool:\\
CLO: Agreed Sandra we need to ensure work on whatever media we have our ALS Member individuals interact with (for discussion etc.,) that this output IS INTEGRATEED into ALS and or Regional input (auditable as well) so we do not ask people to duplicate effort greater use of unified communications AND the right tools ALAC needs to facilitate
Gordon Chillcott: I had in mind that the aggregation would be done by the ALS (in our case, anyway), but I'll think about your idea.
Olivier Crépin-Leblond: Oh of course, each ALS will aggregate responses from their membership but then the aggregation of all ALS input would be done by the RALO leadership. That siad, on specific subject, perhaps would it be an excellent idea to have a volunteer ALS take ownership of aggregation for specific subjects it has a forte in
Olivier Crépin-Leblond: I am all for empowering our membership
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: well I think that the ALS primary contact can aggegate comments by its members and forward to the RALO list for futher comment by other ALSes and for the RALO leadership to forward to ALAC as part of the RALO comments
Wolf Ludwig: Do we really not more /other Workspaces than we have (Confluence ...) to "better include" inputs from our ALSes? Will new tools be better used than the existing one? Have my doubts.
Wolf Ludwig: I am not sure whether new - technical - tools will improve empowerment of our members?
Sandra Hoferichter: I agree with what Wolf said (wrote)
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: Well, it will improve the distribution of information to persons
Gordon Chillcott: You have a point. Most of the ALS's have an established tool set. My proposal came from the idea that communications could be published in whatever format the ALS already uses.
Seth Greene: Fouad, are you there?
Seth Greene: Can all/anyone hear Fouad?
Fouad Bajwa: sorry comming back
Wolf Ludwig: Sorry - tried to ask/write in my 1st question: Do we really *need* more ...?
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: Well, yes in the sense that every person is different
Gordon Chillcott: THis is the important question, Wolf. And if we do need more, then for what function?
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: one may use Facebook more, another uses Twitter, one uses email
Seth Greene: Fouad, perhaps agenda item 5 would now best be done between meetings, by specifically assigned members?
CLO: Yes Dev thus the need for ahe comms channels harmonisedgrigation tools so whatever the end user choice is we get t
CLO: we get the comms channels harmonised
CLO: My line was dropped AGAIN!
Seth Greene: Calling you back, Cheryl.
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: FYI, some of the other communication tools used by ALSes : Instant Messaging, Postal Mail, Telephone, Fax, SMS, Press releases through media
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: as recorded in the ALS survey
CLO: back
Fouad Bajwa: thank you Dev for your continued help in running back and forth through so much :)
Fouad Bajwa: i know this is a comlex task in itself :)
Wolf Ludwig: I am again for a bottom-up approach -- let's our members choose and decide what communication tools THEY prefer and feel most comfortable with! I think, there will be NO uniform - technical - solution for this participation problem.
Fouad Bajwa: Yes Wolf, i am taking your comments in to account and also request Seth and Dev to look into this
Fouad Bajwa: because you bring a RALO perspective into this too right from the bottom experiencee
Seth Greene: Thanks, Cheryl. Having trouble hearing with the noise.
Wolf Ludwig: I must forward my apologises for the next meeting/call on 23 Feb. already because I will be in the next IGF Consultation in Geneva at the time stated.
Sandra Hoferichter: same with me
Seth Greene: Understood, Wolf.
Wolf Ludwig: Thanks, Seth!
Seth Greene: Understood, Sandra.
Sandra Hoferichter: bye bye...
Seth Greene: Bye, everyone. Thank you very much.
Wolf Ludwig: Thanks everybody and Bye -- is always a pleasure with you!
Fouad Bajwa: Thank you everyone..................
Fouad Bajwa: and there goes my power right on time ;_)
Gordon Chillcott: Thank you, Fouad . . .
Fouad Bajwa: your welcome, have a great day/evening/night!