Project Taskforce 06-02-2012 AC Chat transcript
Nathalie Peregrine:Welcome to the Taskforce Meeting on Monday 06 February 2012
Tijani BEN JEMAA:Natalie, do you hear me on the AC audio?
Tijani BEN JEMAA:now, u don't hear me
Nathalie Peregrine:no we don't
Salanieta Tamanikaiwaimaro:wow the audio bridge on adobe is better than my phone
Salanieta Tamanikaiwaimaro:I will terminate the call as adobe audio is perfect
Cheryl Langdon-Orr:Often the case Sala :-)
Cheryl Langdon-Orr:Although Tijani is having oingoing issues
Salanieta Tamanikaiwaimaro:No objections
Nathalie Peregrine:Yrjo Lansipuro has just joined
Nathalie Peregrine:Beau Brendler has joined
Nathalie Peregrine:PLease all mute your microphones, phone or PC , thank you!
Salanieta Tamanikaiwaimaro:I don't see how it has been completed
Salanieta Tamanikaiwaimaro:I see
Salanieta Tamanikaiwaimaro:Thanks it's clearer
Natalia Enciso:Hi! sorry for being late. Was working.
Salanieta Tamanikaiwaimaro:We are just nearing concluding first Agenda item
Salanieta Tamanikaiwaimaro:welcome Natalia
Natalia Enciso:Thanks Sala!
Salanieta Tamanikaiwaimaro:some call interference possibly from unmuted mikes
Salanieta Tamanikaiwaimaro:time for translations
Salanieta Tamanikaiwaimaro:assuming that translation is immediate then it is a non-issue
Heidi Ullrich:Sala, translations of what?
Natalia Enciso:Sorry, I am lost in whic page are you?
Heidi Ullrich:We are on page 7, bottom of page
Salanieta Tamanikaiwaimaro:I heard CLO talking about the Public Comment Process
Heidi Ullrich:Staff are suggesting that we number these Action Items 5a; 5b; 5c, etc
Salanieta Tamanikaiwaimaro:and assessing response times from to guage future response times etc
Salanieta Tamanikaiwaimaro:yes I agree with Heidi that it should be numbered hard to follow
Heidi Ullrich:Natalia, we are on the AI: Clearly estimate and document the time required for the ALAC's operational processes (e.g. responding to a call for Public Comment) and use these estimates to formalize its operationalize processes.
Natalia Enciso:thanks Heidi!
Salanieta Tamanikaiwaimaro:yes 21 days is too short
Salanieta Tamanikaiwaimaro:I agree with OCL
Rudi Vansnick:21 is really sharp
Salanieta Tamanikaiwaimaro:45 is excellent
Salanieta Tamanikaiwaimaro::)
Salanieta Tamanikaiwaimaro:lol
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:thanks
Heidi Ullrich:Events Roadmap
Salanieta Tamanikaiwaimaro:lol
Salanieta Tamanikaiwaimaro:lol
TT:ahh Olivier!
Rudi Vansnick:that's what I thought too
Rudi Vansnick:what if there is no response to that request ?
Rudi Vansnick:within a respectable timeframe
Heidi Ullrich:Roadmap is an Excel doc on this agenda page:
Beau Brendler:On this item, is there anything that can be done to streamline the process of filling out the forms...this is a very labor intensive process and no sooner did we learn how to do it for the previous year, then the forms changed
Beau Brendler:It's OK -- keep going on
Beau Brendler:don't stop now, I can take this up offline
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:I agree with Beau. Would this be something which the F&B sub-committee work on?
Beau Brendler:sounds good to me -- the NA RALO will be inspired
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:In our meetings with FInance, I suspect they will ask for feedback about their new template.
Heidi Ullrich:I dropped. Was 6a completed?
Beau Brendler:I will ask Evan and Darlene and possibly Gareth to submit some feedback on the forms
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:excellent.
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:AI: ALAC F&B sub-committee to discuss improvements to the budget reques template so as to make it less time-consuming to fill. This AI is to be allocated to the ALAC F&B sub-committee
Salanieta Tamanikaiwaimaro:I agree with OCL
TT:and ladies CLo ;-)
Salanieta Tamanikaiwaimaro:lol
Salanieta Tamanikaiwaimaro:XX and XY
TT:o we are here just not getting into the bull ring as of now
Salanieta Tamanikaiwaimaro:Gladly
Salanieta Tamanikaiwaimaro:Thank You!
Rudi Vansnick:thank you Cheryl
Heidi Ullrich:Well done!!
Salanieta Tamanikaiwaimaro:congratulations
Rudi Vansnick:bye
Natalia Enciso:Thanks! bye
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:Thanks. Cheryl
TT:Ciao! Bon soiree!