Work Team C 06.12.10 Summary Minutes
Participants: Tijani Ben Jemaa, Olivier Crepin-Leblond, Cheryl Langdon-Orr, Dave Kissoondoyal, Didier Kasole
Apologies: None
Staff: Heidi Ullrich, Seth Greene
Olivier: In this special meeting of WT C, we’re going to review, reorganize, refine, and “word-smith” our three SWOT analyses on strategic, operational, and budgetary planning.
The members then discussed and decided on various revisions to the strategic-planning and operational-planning SWOT analyses. Seth recorded the final agreed-upon revisions. (These revisions are now reflected in WT C's SWOT Analysis_ver 2.)
>> AI: Seth to incorporate the agreed upon SWOT revisions into a version 2 of the analyses
>> AI: Olivier, Tijani, and Dave to review the revisions the WT made to the strategic-planning and operational-planning SWOT analyses (after Seth incorporates them).
The meeting ended before the WT was able to review and revise the budgetary-planning SWOT analysis.
>> AI: Olivier, Tijani, and Dave to review and revise the WT’s budgetary-planning SWOT analysis that the WT did not get to during its 6 Dec meeting. (These revisions are now reflected in WT C's SWOT Analysis_ver 2.)
It was agreed that the next meeting of WT C would be on 4 January 2011 at 20:00 UTC.
The meeting was adjourned.