WT B Action Items - 3 November 2010

WT B Action Items - 3 November 2010

Matthias to follow up with Fouad regarding criteria he had in mind for new page comparing membership/participation (rules) of RALOs.

Matthias to confirm assignment of Wolf as EURALO liaison to WT B for purposes of collaboration on ALS outreach/”inreach.”

Matthias to list RALO liaisons to WT B for purposes of collaboration on ALS outreach/”inreach” on the WT B Workspace.

Seth to record as a reminder WT B’s desire to recommend to RALOs that they formalize outreach/”inreach” role within their structures however each finds appropriate (e.g., by including the role in the RALO’s rules of procedure).  (Seth’s suggestion:  Make this recommendation by WT B a task under Rec. 4.)

Seth to put onto draft agenda for 17 Nov (briefly) and Cartagena (at length) a discussion of (a) giving each ALS its own Confluence page and (b) WT B members talking to their RALOs about the idea.

Seth to put on draft agenda for 17 Nov the preparation for WT B’s reporting (including “quick wins”) in Cartagena. 

WT B members to review the tasks under Recs. 3, 4, 7, and 9 ( focusing on Recs. 9 and 4) before next meeting (17 November) and to come to meeting with ideas of tasks to use as “quick wins," as well as those to edit, delete, and add. 

Seth to e-mail WT B members the many AIs from the meeting today (3 Nov).