IOT Meeting #42 | 29 November 2018 @ 19:00 UTC

IOT Meeting #42 | 29 November 2018 @ 19:00 UTC


Sub-group Members:   Kate Wallace, Greg Shatan, David McAuley, Avri Doria, Robin Gross, Malcolm Hutty, Leon Sanchez, Samantha Eisner

ICANN Org:   Bernard Turcotte, Brenda Brewer

Apologies:  /

** If your name is missing from attendance or apology, please send note to acct-staff@icann.org **


  1. Welcome/SOI 
  2. Time-for Filing (Rule 4) public comments review and discussion.
  3. Discuss finalizing the supplementary rules. This will include schedule on winding up work on Rule 4 and the rule on intervention/joinder; the possibility of one more meeting in 2018, on Dec. 13th; and the use of one more meeting and discussion on list to aim at finishing work on Rule 4 in December and the remaining rule in January. I believe we must aim to wrap up work on rules prior to the admission of new members to the IOT.
  4. Admin: we need to reserve at least 10 minutes to discuss:
    1. Adding new members to IOT and recommending that those in our group who have been completely inactive for the past six months be asked to re-engage or drop from the list. I will shortly send a draft letter to SO/AC chairs inviting new members. We can discuss.
    2. Recognizing remaining work (once the rules are finished) and begin to prioritize it.
    1. Discuss a 60-minute meeting at ICANN 64 to review/agree path forward on taking on new members and begin substantive work on remaining agenda.




Raw Caption Notes*

*Note that these are the unofficial transcript. Official transcript will be posted 2-3 days after the call

Decisions:  none

Action Items:  none

Requests:  none

Documents Presented: 

Chat Transcript

 Brenda Brewer: (11/29/2018 12:19) Good day!  Welcome to IRP-IOT Meeting #44 on 29 November 2018 @ 19:00 UTC.

  Brenda Brewer: (12:19) Please note that this meeting will be recorded. When not speaking, kindly mute your phones by pressing *6. Press *6 to unmute. Thank you.

  Bernard Turcotte: (12:56) hello all

  David McAuley: (12:58) am dialing in

  David McAuley: (13:00) we will wait till 2 minutes past top of hour to start

  Leon Sanchez: (13:01) Hello everyone

  Robin Gross: (13:05) I support Malcolm's request.

  Bernard Turcotte: (13:06) David I have my hand up

  avri doria: (13:14) good point Greg.

  Bernard Turcotte: (13:15) time check - 45 minutes left in call

  Greg Shatan: (13:17) I have no idea whether Goran appreciated the difference, so I would not use his statement as “evidence.”

  Greg Shatan: (13:17) I would also note that the G in Goran is not a hard G, but rather more of a Y.

  Greg Shatan: (13:19) When new people are added to an existing group of any kind, closed issues are not reopened.

  Leon Sanchez: (13:31) There's a funny robot like effect on David's line

  David McAuley: (13:33) Hi Leon - is the line distortion still there - I can try to speak lower

  Leon Sanchez: (13:45) The distortion is no longer there David

  Bernard Turcotte: (13:47) time check - 13 minutes left in call

  Leon Sanchez: (13:47) I have to leave the call early. My apologies for not staying till the end.

  Leon Sanchez: (13:47) Thanks everyone and talk to you soon

  Malcolm Hutty: (13:50) I've dropped off the call; disconnected

  Malcolm Hutty: (13:50) Can I please get a call back?

  Brenda Brewer: (13:51) sure, Malcolm.  Please private chat your number

  Malcolm Hutty: (13:53) Connected call, but line is dead

  Malcolm Hutty: (13:54) I think only my first option is correct

  Greg Shatan: (13:56) Please circulate Malcolm’s options on list.  Thanks!

  David McAuley: (13:56) will do Greg

  avri doria: (13:57) i see that by the end of the call we were back down to the stalwart particpant group.

  Bernard Turcotte: (13:57) bye all

  avri doria: (13:57) bye thanks