2024-07-08 GNSO Standing Selection Committee

2024-07-08 GNSO Standing Selection Committee

The GNSO Standing Selection Committee call will take place on Monday, 08 July 2024 at 18:00 UTC for 60 minutes. 

For other places see: https://tinyurl.com/2uz5hfxd


  1. Welcome & SOIs
  2. Pilot Holistic Review GNSO Nominees
    1. Review New Ranking Tool
    2. FINAL Suggested List of PHR Nominees
    3. Timing of Consensus Call & GNSO Council Confirmation
  3. AOB



Apologies: none



Audio Recording

Zoom Recording

GNSO transcripts are located on the GNSO Calendar

Notes/ Action Items

Action Items and Notes

Pilot Holistic Review candidates evaluation #2 on Monday, 08 July 2024, 1800 UTC


[Action Items]

1.GNSO Support Staff will generate the consensus call email with the list of candidates in alphabetical order, as opposed to

the ranking order, with Hector Ariel Manoff submitted as the alternate.

2.GNSO Support Staff to send a meeting invitation for the GAC Liaison selection process [COMPLETE] and a google spreadsheet to

review the candidates.



 1.Welcome and SOI Updates

- N/A

2.Pilot Holistic Review GNSO Nominees

     a.Review New Ranking Tool – see attached results (2 attachments in pdf: Bar Graph with Ranking and Summarized Results) from the Survey Monkey Review Tool

- Only 3 responses were submitted by the SSC members.

- The responses presented the following list in ranking order:

1 - Anil Jain (AP)

1- Sophie Hey (EU)

3 – Tony Holmes (EU)

4 – Akinmoyeje Benjamin (AF)

5 – Julf (Johan) Helsingius (EU)

6 – Caleb Ogundele (NA)

7 – Marie Pattullo (EU)


- Following a consensus call for 48 hours after this meeting and upon Full Consensus, the SSC will submit its recommendation to the GNSO Council in the form of a motion (placeholder first without names).

- Discussions points:

                - A member from IPC suggested that the lack of responses (3 only) may not be useful for this call/decision.

                - Meanwhile, many members on the call agreed to the above result/list, but the geographic consideration/diversity balance were

                brought up again by the members.

                - The Chair/Support Staff urged that everyone on the call speak up to ensure the consensus by non-objection.

                - The survey results #1 and #2 were compared to, and though the diversity factor seemed to have progressed, this new list, yet

                again, did not represent all regions, this time excluding any representation from the LAC region.

                -  The IPC member suggested that in order to consider the LAC representation, Hector Ariel Manoff be a replacement for Julf

                Helsingius, Caleb Ogundele, or Akinmoyeje Benjamin, also when considering the SG/C representation (BCIPC). However, the

                Support Staff reminded the members that the SG/C representation does not have to be considered in this case, but that the

                candidates are nominated and considered as individuals/skills-based.

                - An NCSG Rep. and a BC Rep. agreed to the above outcome and thought this was a wider representation, while the Chair and an

                RrSG Rep. suggested maybe replacing no.’s 5 (Julf Helsingius) and 6 (Caleb Ogundele) for Hector Ariel Manoff.

-  2 Votes were taken place during the call:

                - Vote #1 (If to replace, who should be replaced):

                                1 – Keep original list above as it is a good geographical representation: 1 vote

                                2 – Replace Julf Helsingius (#5, EU) with Hector Ariel Manoff: 3 votes

                                3 – Replace Caleb Ogundele (#6, NA) with Hector Ariel Manoff: 1 vote (also, when considering the less experienced factor)

                - Vote #2 (Determining Julf Helsingius to be replaced, should the original list just remain, or the replacement should proceed):

                                1 – Replacement to proceed: 1 vote

                                2 – Original list to remain: 4 votes

     b.FINAL Suggested List of PHR Nominees

- Discussion points:

                - Procedurally, if 7 nominees do not reach a Full Consensus (even 1 objection) within the 48-hour consensus call, the PHR selection

                process has to start from the beginning.

                - A suggestion to put Hector Ariel Manoff forward as an alternate (#8 or just in case someone withdraws, etc.) was raised, and even                     though no alternates are put forward to the Council during the process (or not even an option as at the end, the Council simply

                confirms the final 7 nominees), the members supported Hector Ariel Manoff to be the alternate candidate, if a need for 1

                candidate/slot were to arise (e.g., duplicated GAC Liaison candidate)

                - The members agreed that there were many qualified candidates and that is why it was difficult to reach a decision.

- The final list agreed to is as follows:

1 - Anil Jain (AP)

1- Sophie Hey (EU)

3 – Tony Holmes (EU)

4 – Akinmoyeje Benjamin (AF)

5 – Julf (Johan) Helsingius (EU)

6 – Caleb Ogundele (NA)

7 – Marie Pattullo (EU)

*Hector Ariel Manoff as alternate, if the need were to arise

     c.Timing of Consensus Call & GNSO Council Confirmation

- The GNSO Support Staff shared with the members that a 48-hour consensus call would take place, with an email sent to the members

including the above list of nominees (7 in total) presented in alphabetical order, as opposed to the ranking order.

- As agreed to in the discussion, Hector Ariel Manoff will be submitted as an alternate to the GNSO Council.

[Action Item] GNSO Support Staff will generate the consensus call email with the list of candidates in alphabetical order, as opposed to

the ranking order, with Hector Ariel Manoff submitted as the alternate.


- The GAC Liaison selection process meeting invitation and google spreadsheet to review the candidates will be sent out soon.

[Action Item] GNSO Support Staff to send a meeting invitation for the GAC Liaison selection process [COMPLETE] and a google

spreadsheet to review the candidates.