2024-07-01 GNSO Standing Selection Committee

2024-07-01 GNSO Standing Selection Committee

The GNSO Standing Selection Committee call will take place on Monday, 01 July 2024 at 18:00 UTC for 60 minutes. 

For other places see: https://tinyurl.com/468fnt2b


  1. Welcome & SOIs
  2. Pilot Holistic Review candidates evaluation
    1. Poll Results
    2. Candidates Evaluation
    3. Suggested List of Candidates
    4. Timing of Consensus Call
  3. GAC Liaison Selection Process -- Timing of Meeting on Monday, 15 July (1800 or 1900 UTC)
  4. AOB



Apologies: Christian Dawson 



Audio Recording

Zoom Recording

GNSO transcripts are located on the GNSO Calendar

Notes/ Action Items

[Action Items]

  1. GNSO Staff Support to share a google spreadsheet with the list of candidates and ranking results from the call [COMPLETE]
  2. GNSO Secretariat to send an invite for the 8 July and 15 July Meetings to take place at 18:00 UTC.


  1. Welcome & SOIs

- N/A

      2. Pilot Holistic Review Candidates Evaluation

a. Poll Results

- See the attached files for the poll result details.

- 6 responses for 19 candidates – Team can discuss the candidates based on the ranking, but it is not the decision-making factor (The poll is to be just a guidance, NOT the decision)

- The results were show the ranking 1-7 (list below)

b. Candidates Evaluation

- 7 candidates were ranked in the following order based on the poll results:

  1. Anil Jain
  2. Marie Pattullo
  3. Julf (Johan) Helsingius
  4. Mark Datysgeld
  5. Caleb Ogundele
  6. Tony Holmes
  7. James Gannon 
  • Discussion points:
  • The SSC Chair pointed out that Mark Datysgeld was one of the last SSC members, if a need to consider when allowing for different people to participate.
  • Geographic criteria does not seem to be considered within this result and may need a different approach
  • Any term limits for these candidates? – No. Subject to the duration of the project as it will be more like a PDP/WG.

 c. Suggested List of Candidates

  • Discussion points:
  • How should the evaluation process proceed was discussed, and a suggestion was to select the top 10, then drop to 7 (or top 12) based on the region, participation, recent project, etc.
  • A suggestion that Diversity must be put into consideration as regions cannot be left unconsidered was raised and agreed upon by the members.
  • Each member shared their rankings and they are as follows (in the order of ranking):

    • Karen: Tony Holmes, Anil Jain, Bekono Pascal, Caleb Ogundele, Emmanuel Vitus, Gbadamosi Gbadamosi, Sophie Hey, Poncelet Ileleji, James Gannon, Julf Helsingius (4 from Africa, 4 Europe, 1 NA, 1 AP) – Mark Datysgeld was dropped as he was our last appointee.
    • Jothan: Same as above for Top 7 + Sophie Hey, Hector Ariel Manoff, Akinmoyeje Benjamin
    • Bruna: Anil Jain, Caleb Ogundele, James Ganon, Julf Helsingius, Marie Pattullo, Sophie Hey, Pedro Lana, Tony Holmes
    • Remmy: Anil Jain, Caleb Ogundele, James Ganon, Julf Helsingius, Marie Pattullo, Sophie Hey, Akinmoyeje Benjamin, Tony Holmes, Emmanuel Vitus, Pedro Lana
    • Segunfunmi: Anil Jain, Marie Pattullo, Caleb Ogundele, Mark Datysgeld, Akinmoyeje Benjamin,  Julf Helsingius, and Tony Holmes

 d. Timing of Consensus Call

- Consensus Call will be held post-8 July after last discussion and consideration

     3. GAC Liaison Selection Process -- Timing of Meeting on Monday, 15 July (1800 or 1900 UTC)

- Confirmed for 18:00 UTC for the GAC liaison selection meeting

- For the GAC liaison process, the candidate list can be shared with the members, for easy review, via a google spreadsheet as the GAC liaison selection process is managed by the GNSO Staff Support.

     4. AOB