2018-07-12 GNSO Review WG

2018-07-12 GNSO Review WG

Please find below the details for the GNSO Review Working Group Meeting on Thursday, 12 July 2018 at 13:00 UTC for 60 minutes.

06:00 PDT, 09:00 EDT, 15:00 Paris CEST, 18:00 Karachi PKT, 22:00 Tokyo JST, 23:00 Melbourne AEST 

For other places:  https://tinyurl.com/y8v3l9ud


  1. Review agenda/SOIs
  2. Status of Consensus Call for implementation charters for recommendations 6, 33, 35, and 36 closed on 21 June
  3. Update to OEC and GNSO Council at ICANN62
  4. Status and Next Steps: Final Report
  5. Next Meeting: 26 July 1300 UTC
  6. AOB




AC Recording

GNSO transcripts are located on the GNSO Calendar


Attendees: Wolf-Ulrich Knoben, Rafik Dammak, Lawrence Olawale-Roberts, Sara Bockey, Lori Schulman,  Kris Seeburn

Apologies: Jennifer Wolfe

ICANN staff: Emily Barabas, Berry Cobb, Marika Konings, Julie Hedlund, Terri Agnew

Notes/ Action Items

Action Items:

Final Report:

Action Item 1: Staff will include in the draft Final Report a graphic depicting the steps in the process to complete the WG's work.

Action Item 2: Staff will distribute draft Final Report early the week of 16 July with a draft motion for GNSO Council consideration and approval. WG members will circulate the report to their communities and share comments from their communities on the call on 26 July.


1. Review agenda/SOIs: No SOI Updates

2. Status of Consensus Call for implementation charters for recommendations 6, 33, 35, and 36 closed on 21 June

-- The charter went for consensus call. No comments or objections were received.

-- Implementation is considered to be agreed as of 21 June.

-- The charter was posted on the summary page of the wiki.

-- This was the last of the recommendations to be implemented.

-- Question: Did we recommended that the Council take care of any specific items that we need to include in our report to Council?  Staff response: The recommendations were formulated to say that the recommendations have been implemented and did not include any calls to action for Council.

-- Regarding Diversity requirements, the charter recognizes that additional work may come out of the recommendations of the CCWG-Accountability WS2  sub-group on Diversity, noting where these recommendations may be relevant.

-- Where there are possible budget impact (such as recommendations related to translation/interpretation), this has been noted.

-- Question: Does the WG agree that all recommendations have been implemented or are there any further comments or open questions?  No additional comments  or questions raised, therefore the group agrees that all recommendations have been implemented.

3. Update to OEC and GNSO Council at ICANN62

-- Report was sent to OEC and Council prior to ICANN62.

-- The Council had a full agenda and did not designate time to discuss the report, but the WG did not have any specific questions or requests for the Council, and the Council did not have any questions about the report.

-- Policy staff is coordinating with MSSI staff to see if the OEC has any questions about the report. These will be shared with the WG and taken into account in the drafting of the Final Report.

4. Status and Next Steps: Final Report

-- Policy Staff is prepared to produce the Final Report, which will likely be in the same format as the Initial Report and updated to reflect that all recommendations have been implemented. MSSI staff will confirm formatting requirements.

-- Staff will prepare a motion to go before the Council in its August meeting to accept the report and indicate that this completes the work of the GNSO Working Group and that the report will be submitted to the OEC.

-- The OEC will need to confirm that it approves the work, as well. Staff will send the report to the OEC on behalf of Council once Council has passed the motion.

-- It is anticipated that all work will completed by the September 28 deadline.

-- Staff will deliver the draft Final Report to the WG early in the week of 16 July.

-- Once approved by the WG, staff will submit the motion and report prior to the 6 August document deadline for the August Council meeting.

-- Question: would it be possible to include a graphic depicting progression of steps in the process. Staff response: Yes, this is possible. Something similar was included in the implementation plan.

-- Because consensus calls have been taken throughout the process and members have had an opportunity to share their groups, the process has followed WG guidelines.

-- Question to discuss: Do we need a combined consensus call for all of the recommendations combined together with the report? Do members need to send out to communities feedback before reaching consensus?

-- There is not anticipated to be any concerns about the charters. It is possible that there could be questions about the introductory or conclusion text.

-- Suggestion: Allow members to conduct a final review of the report and absent any questions or concerns, the WG will submit the report to Council (via Rafik).

-- Staff noted that if we do a consensus call, we could open it next Wednesday, have a two week consensus call wrap up on 1 August and have a meeting of 2 August (rather than 26 July) to wrap up the work prior to the document deadline.

From the chat:

Kris Seeburn: i think we have consus calls on the different ones....so i would be tempted not to push for another group consensus again... but i understand...wolf ulrich concern

Kris Seeburn: perhaps the way out... is just highlight consensus carried out

Rafik Dammak: for the motion to council when time comes, I guess I can submit that on behalf of the WG

Kris Seeburn: +1 rafik

Sara Bockey: I'm reluctant to do another group call... everyone has a lot on their plates these days and folks may not be able to review the whole document.  I understanding the desire, just not sure how feasible or successful it would be

Lori Schulman: I would like to have the consensus call delayed past August.

Lori Schulman: Most are on vacation in August.

-- Agreement that an additional consensus call is not needed given that the group has reached consensus on all recommendations.

5. Next Meeting: 26 July 1300 UTC

6. AOB: None.