2018-06-07 GNSO Review WG
Please find below the details for the GNSO Review Working Group Meeting on Thursday, 07 June 2018 at 13:00 UTC for 60 minutes.
06:00 PDT, 09:00 EDT, 15:00 Paris CEST, 18:00 Karachi PKT, 22:00 Tokyo JST, 23:00 Melbourne AEST
For other places: https://tinyurl.com/y98h2tx2
- Review agenda/SOIs
- Status of Consensus Call for implementation charters for recommendations 26, 27, 28, and 29 closing on 07 June
- Status of two-week review of implementation charter for recommendations 6, 33, 35 and 36 on Diversity and subsequent discussion
- Preparation for Update to OEC and GNSO Council at ICANN62 – Draft Report and Slides
- Next Meeting: 21 June 1300 UTC – cancel due to travel for ICANN62?
CONSENSUS CALL - GNSO Review Implementation Charter Recs 26-27-28-29 24 May 2018.pdf
FOR REVIEW - GNSO Review Implementation Charter Recs 6-33-35-36 24 May 2018.pdf
GNSO Review Working Group Update at ICANN62 DRAFT 04 June 2018.pdf
GNSO2 Review Implementation Progress Report DRAFT 24 May 2018.pdf
Attendees: Wolf-Ulrich Knoben, Rafik Dammak, Lawrence Olawale-Roberts
Apologies: Sara Bockey, Jen Wolfe, Lori Schulman
ICANN staff: Emily Barabas, Berry Cobb, Marika Konings, Julie Hedlund, Andrea Glandon
Notes/ Action Items
Action Items and Notes GNSO Review Working Group Meeting on Thursday, 07 June 2018 at 13:00 UTC
Action Items:
Status of two-week review of implementation charter for recommendations 6, 33, 35 and 36 on Diversity and subsequent discussion:
Action Item 1: Staff will accept current changes and add text to clarify the relationship between the implementation of the GNSO Review recommendations and CCWG-Accountability Recommendations.
Action Item 2: Staff will open a two week consensus call today on the revised implementation Charter.
Preparation for Update to OEC and GNSO Council at ICANN62 – Draft Report and Slides:
Action Item 3: Staff will include language about the relationship between implementation of GNSO Review recommendations and CCWG-Accountability recommendations in the report to the OEC. Where there is discussion of these recommendations, the text should also reflect this issue (page 12 of the report). Indicate that the recommendations are considered implemented and will be augmented with the implementation of the CCWG-Accountability recommendations.
Action Item 4: Update slide 4 of the presentation removing text anticipating consensus approval of implementation charters for recommendations 6, 33, 35 and 36. Adjust text to reflect discussion on the relationship between implementation of GNSO Review Recommendation and CCWG-Accountability recommendations.
1. Review agenda/SOIs: No updates.
2. Status of Consensus Call for implementation charters for recommendations 26, 27, 28, and 29 closing on 07 June:
-- Focuses on Stakeholder Group and Constituency Membership and SOIs.
-- No comments received so far
-- If no comments or objections are received by EOD today, the charter will be deemed to be approved by full consensus.
3. Status of two-week review of implementation charter for recommendations 6, 33, 35 and 36 on Diversity and subsequent discussion:
-- This was sent out for review two weeks ago with all changes based on discussion on the call two weeks ago.
-- Suggested implementation for recommendation 6 is updated. Note added to the fact that publication of statistics may be subject to GDPR requirements.
-- On page 3, text added on definition of cultural diversity.
-- Additional reference and link added top of page 4.
-- Recommendations 33 and 36 - edits to text on page 6 with respect to diversity on the NomCom.
-- WG determination on recommendation 6 (page 8) - text added that implementation of recommendations may be subject to GDPR.
-- Additional text regarding the NomCom added determination on page 9.
-- Determination regarding recommendation 35 (page 9-10) - text indicating that work of the CCWG-Accountability on diversity addresses this recommendation.
-- If no comments are received, staff will send this revised implementation charter out for a two week consensus call.
-- We need to indicated to what extent the WG things that recommendations have been implemented as a result of the work in the CCWG-Accountability. Do we consider the recommendations fully implemented in light of the work that has been done and is anticipated. Or is there additional parallel work that this group is undertaking.
-- When we conclude, the status of the implementation must be clear.
-- Text currently indicates that the work is implemented as a result of work in the CCWG-Accountability. It is possible that this text needs to be further clarified.
-- We need to make more clear that while a piece of this recommendation is addressed by data already published, these statistics don't explicitly address diversity of a WG. These could be modified if the CCWG-Accountability are approved.
-- Where CCWG-Accountability recommendations are referenced and the WG considered in line with the CCWG-Accountability recommendations, what does this mean for the implementation of the GNSO review recommendations.
-- Elements of the implementation are often only partly addressed by the CCWG-Accountability.
-- CCWG recommendations 2-5 on SO/AC groups and diversity go beyond what the GNSO Review recommendation 36 include. Many of the processes and procedures that currently exist already capture some of these elements. If CCWG-Accountability recommendations are implemented, the measures will go beyond what the GNSO Review recommendations include.
-- Recommendation 3, 33,and 36 similarly are partially addressed by work that has already taken place.
-- If we need to wait for the CCWG-Accountability recommendations to be approved, and if their implementation is tied to the GNSO Review recommendations, the GNSO Review will not be able to wrap up its work by the target date.
-- Can we say that the GNSO Review recommendations are implemented and then say that the implementation will be supplemented once the CCWG-Accountability recommendations are implemented.
-- Perhaps it is the role of the GNSO Review to look at what has happened and what is coming and do a gap analysis. GNSO Review work may be a matter of laying the groundwork for CCWG-Accountability recommendations implementation.
-- This is a common challenge in ICANN that efforts overlap because the timeframe for each project is long and we don't want to duplicate efforts.
-- We can ask the OEC for feedback if needed.
-- We don't want to extend the work of this group, but we do need to be able to answer questions if they come up.
-- In the charter, we should make clearer how the WG is treating these recommendations. It is a good idea to seek OEC feedback, as well.
-- It would seem redundant or even possibly inconsistent to do an implementation of a few specific elements when the CCWG-Accountability will address broader issues in a more comprehensive way. This is something we can flag to the OEC.
4. Preparation for Update to OEC and GNSO Council at ICANN62 – Draft Report and Slides:
-- Staff would like to finalize the text of the report today if possible.
-- Staff will edit text related to implementation charters for recommendations 6, 33, 35 and 36 to clarify how the WG views the relationship of these recommendations and the CCWG-Accountability recommendations.
-- In addition to this report, we will need to do a Final Report.
-- We will want to see if there is a response from the Council or the OEC on the report that will be delivered shortly.
-- This report may be modified to serve as the Final Report.
-- The Council will need to consider a motion indicating that the recommendations have been implemented.
-- Following the Council vote, the WG can deliver the Final Report referencing the Council resolution.
-- Slides have been prepared - this will be on the GNSO Council agenda. It is not clear yet if the OEC will require a presentation. Staff is coordinating with OEC support staff.
-- Slide 4 will be updated following the above discussion and text will be removed anticipating consensus on recommendations on 21 June. Information about this consensus call can be added before Panama if the implementation charter is approved.
5. Next Meeting: 21 June 1300 UTC – cancel due to travel for ICANN62?
-- This meeting is likely not needed but will remain on the calendar as a placeholder.
-- The group will check in a few days before the scheduled meeting to see if the WG needs to meet.
6. AOB: None