2021-04-14 Standing Committee on ICANNs Budget & Operations Planning #09

2021-04-14 Standing Committee on ICANNs Budget & Operations Planning #09

Please find below the details for the Standing Committee on ICANNs Budget & Operations Planning call on Wednesday, 14 April 2021 at 13:00 UTC for 1 hour. 

For other times: https://tinyurl.com/2efv96p3


  1. Confirm agenda and SOIs
  2. Review of the ICANN FY22 Draft Operating Plan & Budget responses to the GNSO Council (attached)
  3. Review of the ranking survey results (sent separately)
  4. Discussion about SCBO meetings outside of budget cycle
    1. How Often? Substance? Outcomes?
    2. In context of SO/AC leaders seeking more active role in planning and prioritization
  5. Any other business
    1. SCBO/SOPC Joint Session; 21 Apr 2021 @ 13:00 UTC
    2. Agenda:
      1. Commonalities/Differences between group submissions and responses
      2. Compare/Contrast group’s ranking survey results
    3. 2nd half of meeting, SOPC review of comments with ICANN org





Apologies: Osvaldo Novoa, Raphael Beauregard-Lacroix


Notes/ Action Items