April 13, 2015
Please find the MP3 recording for the GNSO New gTLDs Subsequent Rounds Discussion Group call held on Monday 13 April 2015 at 14:00 UTC at:
On page:
The recordings and transcriptions of the calls are posted on the GNSO Master Calendar page:
Bret Fausett - RySG
Dietmer Lenden – RySG
Avri Doria – NCSG
Philip Sheppard – BRG
Stuart Fuller – RrSG
Christopher Niemi- no soi
Susan Payne – IPC
Phil Buckingham – Individual
Ken Hansen – no SOI
Jon Nevett – RySG
Kristina Rosette – RySG
Katim Touray – Individual
Sam Lanfranco – NPOC
Rubens Kuhl – RySG
Tom Lowenhaupt – ALAC
Tijani Ben Jemaa – ALAC
Jeff Neuman-RySG
Liz Williams – RySG
Alan Greenberg - ALAC
ICANN staff:
Glen de Saint Gery
Steve Chan
Lars Hoffmann
Terri Agnew
Adobe Connect chat transcript for Monday 13 April 2015:
Terri Agnew:Dear all, Welcome to the Discussion Group on New gTLD Subsequent Rounds on 13 April 2015
Bret Fausett, Uniregistry:Here
Ken Hansen (.co.com Registry):Hi everyone
Bret Fausett, Uniregistry:Good morning Ken
Ken Hansen (.co.com Registry):mornin' Bret!
Katim S. Touray:Hi Everyone!
Stuart Fuller:Hi - apologies for late arrival
Terri Agnew:Christopher Niemi and Phil Buckingham has joined
Terri Agnew:Welcome Stuart Fuller
Terri Agnew:Kristina Roseete has joined
Kristina Rosette (Amazon):Hi everyone!
Terri Agnew:corrected spelling: Kristina Rosette
Ken Hansen (.co.com Registry):Hi Kristina!
Philip Sheppard BRG:Sorry for late arrival - fist Connect request failed
Terri Agnew:Sam Lanfranco has joined
Terri Agnew:Rubens Kuhl has joined
Rubens Kuhl:I couldn't connect using Safari, but it worked using Chrome. Possibily some connectivity issue to diagnose.
Terri Agnew:@Rubens, please let me know if you need help
Terri Agnew:Tom Lowenhaupt has joined
Rubens Kuhl:Now that I've joined I don't need help, but it's possible some people are being prevented from joining
Jon Nevett (Donuts):makes sense -- thanks Bret
Phil Buckingham:agreed Bret - what they need to see.
Steve Chan:Steve!
Kristina Rosette (Amazon):Excellent, thanks!
Katim S. Touray:I have quickly gone over the draft and its very good for a draft. Keep up the great work!
Bret Fausett, Uniregistry:I think also Thank you Katim
Susan Payne - Valideus:Group 1 have various questions addressing Avri's second point
Steve Chan:@Susan, thanks, was going to raise that point
Avri Doria:either no procedure (unlkely) or a procedure other than rounds.
Katim S. Touray:My feeling is that the overwhelming sentiment is that another round or rounds is a foregone conclusion.
Philip Sheppard BRG:Will an editable draft charter now be sent to the list also ?
Avri Doria:my pint is that the PDPD shuld not have any forgone conclusions
Steve Chan:@Philip, a Word doc was sent on Friday, but we have edits that need to be made
Tom Lowenhaupt:It's a bit early, but I'll take a pint as well.
Philip Sheppard BRG:OK Ill look back
Sam Lanfranco:Bye...back to list...
Steve Chan:So you could wait for the new version or edit the existing one that was already sent