March 30, 2015
Please find the MP3 recording for the GNSO New gTLDs Subsequent Rounds Discussion Group call held on Monday 30 March 2015 at 14:00 UTC at:
On page:
The recordings and transcriptions of the calls are posted on the GNSO Master Calendar page:
Bret Fausett - RySG
Stephanie Duchesneau - RySG
Jeff Neuman-RySG
Tijani Ben Jemaa - ALAC
Dietmer Lenden – RySG
Christa Taylor – Individual
Avri Doria – NCSG
Philip Sheppard – BRG
Stuart Fuller – RrSG
Donna Austin – RrSG
Christopher Niemi- no soi
Alan Greenberg - ALAC
Susan Payne – IPC
Phil Buckingham – Individual
Jean-François Vanden Eynde – RrSG
Cecilia Smith – no SOI
Ken Hansen – no SOI
Michael Palage – RySG
Alain Artero – no SOI
Kiran Malancharuvil – IPC
Tony Holmes - ISPCP
ICANN staff:
Marika Konings
Glen de Saint Gery
Amy Bivins
Steve Chan
Lars Hoffmann
Yolanda Jimenez
Terri Agnew
Adobe Connect chat transcript for Monday 30 March 2015:
Terri Agnew:Dear all, Welcome to the Discussion Group on New gTLD Subsequent Rounds on 30 March 2015
Stuart Fuller:Hi Terri, Hi all
Jeff Neuman (Valideus):Is anyone else having trouble dialing in?
Bret Fausett, Uniregistry:Good morning everyone. Jeff, please let me know when you are in the conference.
Jeff Neuman (Valideus):still trying
Dietmar Lenden - Valideus Ltd:Hi SF
Jeff Neuman (Valideus):i am getting in
Bret Fausett, Uniregistry:One minute Terri. We were disconnected. By disconnected, I mean that I tried to take us off mute and pushed the wrong button.
Terri Agnew:ok
Jeff Neuman (Valideus):i am in
Terri Agnew:Michael Palage has joined
Terri Agnew:Phil Buckingham has joined
Phil Buckingham:Apologises for my lateness
Alan Greenberg:Jeff, all true, but if Bret (for instance) left this meeting with the intent to FORMALLY introduce this as a motion in May, then it would have to be voted in June. If just sent for information, then perfect.
Jeff Neuman (Valideus):who is rushing this?
Alan Greenberg:Agree with Avri - that is what I was suggesting (or trying to)
Philip Sheppard BRG:Or just say a non-exclusive list of issues
Jeff Neuman (Valideus):@Philip - That was the plan
Philip Sheppard BRG:In big letters at the top
Jeff Neuman (Valideus):Can we ask for a session at the BA meeting
Jeff Neuman (Valideus):At a reasonable (Non 7am meeting time)
Philip Sheppard BRG:A F2F Buenos Aires meeting would attract wide interest - its a good idea
Avri Doria:and there is a chance we wont be done and will have actual work to still do.
Susan Payne - Valideus:+ 1 Jeff, I have never been able to make any of the DG meetings because of conflict with GAC sessions on future round issiu
Susan Payne - Valideus:issues (fat fingers!)
Susan Payne - Valideus:The audio from Avri and now Philip is appalling, I don't know if others are encountering this too? So distorted as to be almost imposasible to hear what you are saying.
Philip Sheppard BRG:Thanks agree with Bret
Philip Sheppard BRG:Understood Jeff n - thanks
Philip Sheppard BRG:Of course the GNSO policy had gaps (mea culpa)
Jeff Neuman (Valideus):yeah...thanks Philip :)
Phil Buckingham:thanks Jeff for clarification
Philip Sheppard BRG:Good objective Steve
Jeff Neuman (Valideus):My own opinion in looking back at the policies is that the GNSO did a pretty good job on principles
Jeff Neuman (Valideus):But the execution did not necessarily meet the policy objectives
Philip Sheppard BRG:+1
Alain Artero:thank you
Philip Sheppard BRG:Bye thanks all