2018-08-16 CCWG new gTLD Auction Proceeds Meeting
Please find the meeting information below for the CCWG New gTLD Auction Proceeds call on Thursday, 16 August 2018 at 15:00 UTC for 90 minutes.
08:00 PDT, 11:00 EDT, 17:00 Paris CEST, 20:00 Karachi PKT, (Friday) 00:00 Tokyo JST, (Friday) 01:00 Melbourne AEST
For other times: https://tinyurl.com/yc476yba
- Roll Call
- Welcome & SOI/DOI updates
- Review of responses to questions received:
- ICANN Org (Samantha Eisner & Xavier Calvez)
- Sarah Berg, ICANN Contracted Advisor on Strategic Development and Philanthropic Program
- Impact of sanctions on fund allocation – update by Samantha Eisner [pending confirmation]
- Proposed next steps to develop draft recommendations / responses to charter questions & development of Initial Report
- Upcoming meetings: proposed schedule & timing
- Confirmation of next steps & next meeting
Questions for the CCWG to answer - 13 Aug 2018
CCWG-AP Questions for Sarah Berg_30 July 2018.pdf
CCWG-AP Questions for ICANN org - XC2 and SE2
Notes/ Action Items
Notes & Action items – new gTLD Auction Proceeds CCWG Meeting – 16 August 2018
These high-level notes are designed to help the CCWG navigate through the content of the call and are not meant as a substitute for the transcript and/or recording. The MP3, transcript, and chat are provided separately and are posted on the wiki at: https://community.icann.org/x/DLHDAw.
1. Roll Call
- Attendance will be taken from AC
- Please remember to mute your microphones when not speaking and state your name before speaking for transcription purposes.
2. Welcome & SOI/DOI updates
- Please remember to check your SOI/DOIs on a regular basis and update as needed
3. Review of responses to questions received:
- Few calls left before drafting on recommendations will start
- Objective to come to a hierarchy in the mechanisms, ideally eliminating two lowest ranked mechanisms following this meeting.
ICANN Org (Samantha Eisner & Xavier Calvez):
- See responses shared with the group prior to today's meeting
- Re. governance, important that right mechanisms are in place and expertise needed is available.
- Number of questions in relation to impact on the Board's workload - Board does not wish to individual decisions on individual projects. Role will have a general oversight role - receiving reports, briefing, addressing risks appropriately. Same type of oversight that ICANN provides over other projects at ICANN Org.
- Any ICANN structure should adequately support the objectives set. Currently there are 60 departments within ICANN. Presumed that one way or the other a separate department may be needed to isolated the resources identified and needed. There may be existing resources that would dedicate part of their time or they may be additional resources - would need to be evaluated at the time of implementation as expertise may already be available. Leverage as much as possible existing services and functions to minimize the additional costs occurred, as for example was done for new gTLDs and PTI.
- If an auction proceed department setup within ICANN, would it potentially trigger any change of ICANN's bylaw? No reason why that would be the case.
Sarah Berg, ICANN Contracted Advisor on Strategic Development and Philanthropic Program
- See response from Sarah shared on the mailing list
- Responses identified a number of themes and provided thematic responses
- Goals & objectives drive strategy which in its turn will drive some of the specific decisions
- Number of specific examples and caste studies are provided
- Difference between Board and Corporate governance
- Examples of human right assessments
- COI principles and examples
- Oversight and how this looks in practice for other organizations
- Protocols for grant agreements and grant sizes
- Input on start up costs
Action item #1: CCWG to review responses received to questions by ICANN Org as well as Sarah Berg and share any follow up and/or clarifying questions with the mailing list.
- See summary document shared with the mailing list by Emily which includes a proposed response to the different questions which aims to reflects the input that has been received from the CCWG.
Action item #2: CCWG to review summary document and proposed responses developed by staff. Any comments / feedback to be shared with the mailing list as soon as possible.
4. Impact of sanctions on fund allocation – update by Samantha Eisner
- See slides shared during meeting and presented by Sam
- See https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/WEIA/pages/101192615/Jurisdiction+Meeting+40+1+August+2017+13+00+UTC
- Recommend not to base any recommendations on getting an exemption as it is extremely difficult and costly
- Would it be helpful to reference in the report a list of countries that would be prevented from applying as a result of sanctions?
- The CCWG should define guidance that leads to avoiding complexity and exception type of evaluation requirements, which would be complex, costly and risky for ICANN as a whole.
Action item #3: CCWG to review slides and share any questions with the mailing list.
Action item #4: Staff to share document with Sylvia Cadena who specifically had some questions/comments about this issue
5. Proposed next steps to develop draft recommendations / responses to charter questions & development of Initial Report
- See slide shared with proposed next steps
- Based on today’s discussion and input received, CCWG to consider whether one or more mechanisms can be deprioritized from full consideration in Initial Report. Aim to reach preliminary agreement. There appears to be strong support for first two mechanisms, but lesser so for mechanisms #3 and #4 - could those latter two be eliminated for detailed consideration in the Initial Report? Possible approach: leave option 4 possibly completely out and only describe option 3, but not answer charter questions in detail. Preliminary agreement to be confirmed through a simple ranking survey – all members and interested participants to rank 4 mechanisms in order of preference based on input received and criteria established, in view of deprioritizing bottom two mechanisms for purposes of the Initial Report. All four mechanisms will be described, but only top two will be fully detailed and highlighted as preferred mechanisms in Initial Report. To be presented as preliminary recommendation based on the best current thinking of the CCWG as well as priorities and objectives of the different Cos, but a formal consensus call will only be conducted prior to Final Report. Leadership team to develop draft responses to charter questions for CCWG consideration based on deliberations to date as well as input received from external experts. Leadership team to develop draft Initial Report for CCWG consideration. Following CCWG review, publish Initial Report for public comment.
Action item #5: CCWG to review these proposed next steps and provide its input as soon as possible.
6. Upcoming meetings: proposed schedule & timing
- See remaining steps and proposed timeline shared
- 16 August August 2018 (CCWG meeting) - Review input received on questions sent to Org, Sarah Berg and CCWG; Consider what mechanism(s) should be deprioritized for the Initial Report based on input received; Launch poll to determine ranking of mechanisms in view of prioritizing mechanism(s) for which a full response to the charter questions is to be provided in the Initial Report.
- 27 August 2018- Deadline for survey responses
- 30 August 2018 (CCWG meeting) - Review survey responses and confirm next steps for publication of Initial Report
- 13 September (CCWG meeting) - Staff to share first draft of Initial Report for CCWG Review and walk CCWG through draft
- 27 September (CCWG meeting) - Review of Initial Report and input received
- 27 September – 8 October - Continue review of Initial Report on mailing and/or additional meetings
- At the latest by 8 October 2018 - Publication of Initial Report for public comment
- ICANN63- Present Initial Report to Community and solicit input
- Consider soft extension for survey deadline factoring in holidays to 2 September.
- Concerning ICANN63, a request for a HIT was submitted but did not receive enough support to end up in the top ranking (note only 3 slots are available for HIT/CC sessions at ICANN63). A session has been requested as part of the GNSO schedule for Monday from 13.30 - 15.00 that could be used to present and discuss the Initial Report.
Action item #6: CCWG members to flag to their respective groups now that this slot is the likely time for a presentation of the Initial Report so that groups can factor this into their scheduling (Monday from 13.30 - 15.00)
7. Confirmation of next steps & next meeting - Thursday 30 August at 15.00 UTC.