2018-07-12 CCWG new gTLD Auction Proceeds Meeting
Please find the meeting information below for the CCWG New gTLD Auction Proceeds call on Thursday, 12 July 2018 at 14:00 UTC for 90 minutes.
07:00 PDT, 10:00 EDT, 16:00 Paris CEST, 19:00 Karachi PKT, 23:00 Tokyo JST, (Friday) 00:00 Melbourne AEST
For other times: https://tinyurl.com/y9wsc4q4
- Roll Call
- Welcome / SOI-DOI Updates
- Recap from CCWG62 related meetings and updates
- Review of proposed responses to charter questions (updated version to be shared by staff shortly)
- Final review of summary descriptions provided by Sarah Berg - ICANN Contracted Advisor on Strategic Development and Philanthropic Programs (see attached)
- Feedback on remaining steps and proposed timeline (see attached)
- Confirmation of next steps and next meeting (26 July 2018 at 14.00 UTC)
Remaining Steps and proposed timeline June 2018
Phase 5 - respond to charter questions - 11 July 2018_clean.pdf
Phase 5 - respond to charter questions - 11 July 2018_redline.pdf
Notes/ Action Items
Please find below the notes and action items from today’s new gTLD Auction Proceeds CCWG. Please take particular note of the action items:
Action item #2: CCWG to review summary document and identify any remaining questions as soon as possible so that these can be considered by the small group of volunteers undertaking the triage of questions.
Action item #3: CCWG to review remaining steps and proposed timeline and identify any concerns / issues.
Notes & Action items – new gTLD Auction Proceeds CCWG meeting of 12 July 2018
These high-level notes are designed to help the CCWG navigate through the content of the call and are not meant as a substitute for the transcript and/or recording. The MP3, transcript, and chat are provided separately and are posted on the wiki at: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/display/CWGONGAP/2018+Meetings [community.icann.org].
1. Roll Call
- Attendance will be taken from AC
- Please mute your microphones when not speaking and state your name for transcription purposes
2. Welcome / SOI-DOI Updates
- Participation in recent meetings has been low, including limited participation today - is there a need to review working methods?
- Please remember to review and update your SOI/DOIs as appropriate
3. Recap from CCWG62 related meetings and updates
- See notes and action items from that meeting
- A number of items discussed at ICANN62 are also coming back on the agenda today
- Leadership also provided an update to the ccNSO and the GAC on the status of deliberations - shared current timeline, questions under consideration, etc.
4. Review of proposed responses to charter questions (updated version to be shared by staff shortly)
- See the document that was shared on the CCWG mailing list
- Objective is to get this document into a state that it is ready for inclusion in the Initial Report.
- Number of questions that have been identified - some may be responded to by Sam/Xavier, Sarah Berg but also the CCWG.
- What approach should be taken to get to answers for these questions?
- What is the role of the Board in internal mechanism? Board has indicated that they do not expect involvement in daily operations or approving individual projects. May need to be clarified by Board Liaisons re. how much they want to get involved in overseeing individual projects. Depending on which mechanism is recommended, Board may need / want to adjust its thinking. Board does not want any involvement in relation to decisions on individual grants, but oversight of administrative process is expected, for example through annual review / evaluation.
- May need to pull out all legal / tax related questions and ask legal to provide guidance on these (possibly through outside counsel). Would first need to see the questions to determine who would be the best person/resource to respond to these.
- Some questions earmarked for Sarah may also be more appropriate for other experts / sources.
- Need to play it safe and be sure about decisions/recommendations.
- How to extract those legal questions that may need input from outside counsel? Need certainty on those essential items before publishing Initial Report.
- Small group of volunteers to review questions and undertake a triage effort (which questions are for CCWG to consider, which are for Sam/Xavier, which for Sarah Berg, which ones are possibly for an external source /counsel). Volunteers: Marilyn, Vanda, Samantha, Maureen, Erika. Objective for the small group is to undertake triage effort early next week following which it would share its recommendations with the CCWG ahead of next meeting.
Action item #1: staff to set up doodle poll for small group for a call early next week to undertake triage effort. If there are other volunteers, please share your interest with the mailing list.
5. Final review of summary descriptions provided by Sarah Berg - ICANN Contracted Advisor on Strategic Development and Philanthropic Programs (see attached)
- Number of questions were identifed for Sarah - will be considered as part of the triage effort as identified under previous item so that a defined set of questions can be shared with Sarah as there may be other items for which her input will be helpful.
- Note question in relation to need for human rights assessment into the process. CCWG-Accountability WS2 provided recommendations in this regard - need to consider how that would be implemented into the auction proceeds process.
Action item #2: CCWG to review summary document and identify any remaining questions as soon as possible so that these can be considered by the small group of volunteers undertaking the triage of questions.
6. Feedback on remaining steps and proposed timeline (see attached)
- See remaining steps & proposed timeline shared.
- Please share any concerns you may have about the timeline with the list. Meeting the target of publication of an Initial Report by ICANN63 will require commitment and participation from all.
- Should additional meetings be scheduled to make sure all issues can be considered in detail? May be a challenge considering the August timeframe and vacation time in the northern hemisphere.
- More time may be needed for consultations in relation to the poll.
- Need to maintain flexibility and review on a regular basis how to adjust the timeline / schedule of meetings as this is dependent on the progress that is made.
Action item #3: CCWG to review remaining steps and proposed timeline and identify any concerns / issues.
7. Confirmation of next steps and next meeting (26 July 2018 at 14.00 UTC)