Terms of Reference

Terms of Reference


 Version 1.0, July 2017 final 1 

Customer Standing Committee (CSC) Charter Review 


Version 1.0 


The CSC Charter requires that the “… Charter will initially be reviewed by a committee of representatives from the ccNSO and the RySG one year after the first meeting of the CSC. The review is to include the opportunity for input from other ICANN stakeholders, via a Public Comment process. Any recommended changes are to be ratified by the ccNSO and the GNSO.” 

The CSC was established in accordance with Article 17.3 (b) of the ICANN Bylaws and conducted its first meeting on 6 October 2016. 

In order to meet the timeline for the first review of the CSC Charter, the ccNSO and RySG have each appointed two representatives to conduct the review (CSC Review Team). 

Intent of the Review 

The first review of the CSC Charter is intended to consider whether the Charter is adequate and provides a sound basis for the CSC to perform their responsibilities as envisioned in the development of the IANA Transition Proposal. 

Scope of review 

The Charter will be reviewed to determine whether: 

• the Charter enables the CSC to fulfil its role and responsibilities as envisioned 

• there are any aspects of the Charter that are ambiguous that require amendment 

• there are any typographical errors in the Charter that require amendment 

• there are any elements of the work of the CSC that should be captured in the Charter that were not captured at the time the Charter was originally drafted 

Out of Scope of the review 

The Charter provides for the effectiveness of the CSC to be reviewed two years after the first meeting of the CSC. Therefore, the effectiveness of the CSC is out of scope of this review. 

The first IANA Naming Function Review shall be convened no later than 1 October 2018. This will include a review of the performance of the CSC (and the Empowered Community as it relates to oversight of PTI). Therefore, the performance of the CSC is out of scope of this review. 

If, in the process of the review, the CSC Review Team is made aware of issues that are out of scope of the CSC Charter Review, but considered relevant for the proper functioning of the CSC, it will inform the ccNSO and RySG accordingly. 

CSC Review Team Version 1.0, July 2017 final 2 

In accordance with internal processes, the ccNSO has appointed two members to the CSC Review Team, namely: Martin Boyle and Abdalla Omari 

In accordance with internal processes, the RySG has appointed two members to the CSC Review Team, namely: Donna Austin and Keith Drazek 

The CSC has appointed Elaine Pruis as their Liaison to the Review Team. 

Proposed Review Process 

The role of the CSC Review Team is to: 

1. Conduct a review of the CSC Charter in accordance with the elements identified above that are considered to be within the scope of the review. The review will also include: a. an analysis of clarifying documents developed during the implementation phase of the CSC and drafting of ICANN’s bylaws 
b. consideration of whether the Charter should contain the Remedial Action Procedures. 
a review of the Charter and Article 17 of the ICANN Bylaws and PTI-Agreement to ensure consistent language. 
2. Conduct interviews with the CSC and the PTI to determine whether the CSC Charter is fit for purpose and whether the Charter would benefit from amendments or enhancements. 
3. Prepare a consultation document seeking wider community input 
4. Conduct a public session at ICANN 60 (November 2017) that is intended to provide an opportunity for the community to provide input to the process. 
5. Produce an initial report on the outcome of the review. This report should also include suggested changes to CSC charter, if any. 
6. In the event that changes are proposed to the CSC Charter, conduct a Public comment period on the initial report 
7. Prepare a Final Report that includes a Revised CSC Charter to the ccNSO and GNSO Councils for adoption post ICANN 61 (to take into account suggested changes, if any from the ICANN 61 consultation). 

Proposed Review Schedule 

Adoption Terms of Reference (August 2017) 

• June – July 2017: Propose terms of reference for review to RySG and ccNSO 

• July- August 2017: agreement/adoption terms of reference review 

Preparatory consultation with CSC and PTI & preparation of draft consultation document (September – October 2017) 

• Informal consultations September 2017 

• Draft and finalize consultation document October 2017. 

Consultation and review (October 2017- November 2017) 

• 1 October 2017 kick-off review 

• Public Consultation with PTI at ICANN 60 

Version 1.0, July 2017 final 3 

• Consultation with direct customers (ccTLD, gTLD operators, others) at ICANN 60 

• Public Consultation with CSC at ICANN 60 

• Public consultation (open session) at ICANN 60. 

Report on findings & suggested changes (December 2017 – March 2018) 

• Preparation draft report, including proposed changes charter, if any December 2017 – early January 2018 

• Public comment January – March 2018, including a consultation with ccNSO and RySG at ICANN 61 

Finalization and closure (March – April 2018) 

• Update the report as required, and submit to ccNSO and GNSO Councils for adoption by their own rules and procedures (March 2018). 

• Following the adoption of the report (and of any changes to the charter) by the ccNSO and GNSO, the review team mandate ends.