CCWG on IG Teleconference - 2015.06.10 - Adobe Chat
Alexandra Dans:Hi!
Bill Drake:A small and merry band are we
Bill Drake:let's declare quorum and decide that everyone attending the F2F must do a silly walk upon entrance
Bill Drake:so 10am CET is an optimal timing :-)
nigel hickson:@Bill - I remember "silly walks"!
Bill Drake:showing your age, Nigel
Carlos Raul:good morning. Sorry but is 2am in Costa Rica.....
Bill Drake:my understanding from the last call I was on was that Nigel's paper would be background, not that we would talk through it
Carlos Raul:sorry Olivier
Carlos Raul:we echo from your speakers
Carlos Raul:woops
Carlos Raul:is Bill
Renate De Wulf:@Young-eum, apologies but we had to mute your phone as your line was making the echo
Renate De Wulf:@Bill, do you have "call wiating on" as you keep breaking off
Bill Drake:no
Bill Drake:it may just be my voice is excitable
Renate De Wulf:LOL
Bill Drake:I would add Megan Richards
Alexandra Dans:Maybe someone from LACNIC like Andres Piazza? He's one of the specialist from our corner of the world ;)
Carlos Raul:good point Alexandra
Renate De Wulf:@young-eum, you are unmuted
Young eum Lee:@Renate, thanks
Carlos Raul:Difficult to follow Bill, but think he is on the right track
Young eum Lee:agreed
Carlos Raul:ARe you going to bing drafts?
Carlos Raul:bring/distirbute drafts?
Carlos Raul:dummies/oprtion papers?
Carlos Raul:ok
Carlos Raul:gotcha
Carlos Raul:ok. Thank you Olivier. Understand your agenda proposal.
Carlos Raul:back to bed......
Young eum Lee:thanks everyone
Alexandra Dans:Thank you!
Young eum Lee:see you in BA
nigel hickson:Thanks all (esepcially Carlos!)
Carlos Raul:tx
Alexandra Dans:See you in BsAs!