CCWG IG Weekly Teleconference - 2013.12.11

CCWG IG Weekly Teleconference - 2013.12.11

Date: Wednesday, 11 December 2013                                        

Time: 1700 - 1800 UTC 

Lucid Meeting Room: https://icann.lucidmeetings.com/lucid/invite/1489735924184893 

Interpretation Available: No


Rafik Dammak. Holly Raiche, Olivier Crepin-Leblond, Sarah Falvey, Robert Guerra, Evan Leibovitch, Oliver Sueme, Louis Lee, Cheryl Langdon-Orr, Michele Neylon, Ken Stubbs, Stephanie Duchesneau, Martin Levy, Yvette Miller, Donna Austin, Olof Nordling, Avri Doria, Tracy Hackshaw, Heidi Ullrich, Carlton Samuels, Heather Dryden, William Drake, Alain Bidron, Filiz Yilmaz, Ayesha Hassan, Tony Holmes, Nigel Hickson, Patricio Poblete, Camille Stewart, Héctor Ariel Manoff. 

Staff: Renate DeWulf, Alexandra Dans, Sally Costerton

Call management: Renate DeWulf

Action Items: EN 

Recording: EN

Minutes: EN

Transcript: EN

A G E N D A  

Standing Agenda Items

1.0 Welcome! (5 minutes)
Presenter: Olivier Crepin-Leblond 
2.0 Organisation of this working group and modalities (50 minutes)
Presenter: Olivier Crepin-Leblond
3.0 Next steps and AOB (5 minutes)
Presenter: Olivier Crepin-Leblond