CCWG on IG Teleconference - 2019.08.06 - Chat

CCWG on IG Teleconference - 2019.08.06 - Chat

Zoom Chat:

16:52:34 From Dierdre Sidjanski : https://docs.google.com/document/ d/1G8GMxFGnMzk92o6BSIqka6irT_GPv2c3hCHi09Bu7LY/edit?usp=sharing [docs.google.com]

16:57:19 From
kphone pls?
16:58:41 From
Academy of ICT
16:59:55 From
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17:01:45 From
17:01:47 From
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17:06:46 From document/d/1G8GMxFGnMzk92o6BSIqka6irT_GPv2c3hCHi09Bu7LY/edit? usp=sharing

17:06:52 From Judith Hellerstein : Thanks Olivier
17:07:07 From Judith Hellerstein : It is also for people who cannot see the agenda
17:08:25 From Dierdre Sidjanski to Olivier MJ Crepin-Leblond (Privately) : It was in the first line of the chat. Sorry to have been so eager.
17:10:32 From Olivier MJ Crepin-Leblond to Dierdre Sidjanski (Privately) : no worries
17:10:55 From Olivier MJ Crepin-Leblond to Dierdre Sidjanski (Privately) : the problem with Zoom is that the Chat that was there before someone logs into Zoom does not appear
17:11:03 From Bartlett.Morgan : I agree with that reasoning 17:14:33 From Marilyn Cade : ICANN is open and transparent? Or not? If you go into the document without logging on, then add your name. 17:14:52 From Lori Schulman : My Google name is IPC Treasurer but it's Lori
17:15:00 From Lori Schulman : I am no longer IPC Treasurer
17:15:14 From Dierdre Sidjanski to Olivier MJ Crepin-Leblond (Privately) : Nigel didn’t sign in to G-docs
17:18:32 From Dierdre Sidjanski to CW (Privately) : Is this Christopher Wilkinson?
17:19:52 From Marilyn Cade : Support Lori’s suggestion for more positive language.
17:20:49 From Marilyn Cade : The broader Internet Ecosystem is also of importance to the broader ICANN community, so full support to Lori’s suggestions for more positive words.
17:20:51 From Judith Hellerstein : I agree with Lori
17:22:09 From nigel.hickson : Am sure we can make more positive 17:28:06 From León Sanchez : if this is a non-chartered group, does it have a mandate?
17:28:19 From León Sanchez : if it doesn’t have one, can something fall beyond it’s mandate?
17:31:45 From Y Kim : I think at least one F2F meeting at each ICANN meeting can be required. The last one in Marrakech was really informative.

Dierdre Sidjanski to KPhone (Privately) : Who’s
Hu Zhengkun : Hi, this is Zhengkun Hu from China
veni markovski : Hi, Hu and everyone!
nigel.hickson : good afternoon
León : hello everyone
Y Kim : Good afternoon and good evening everyone.
Judith Hellerstein : HI All
Bartlett.Morgan : Hello all
Y Kim : It’s Yeseul, thanks.
Lori Schulman : Hi, it
Lori Schulman : its Lori Schulman, I am online
Olivier MJ Crepin-Leblond : https://docs.google.com/

17:33:15 From Marilyn Cade : Leon, yes, we are creating this mandate.
17:34:21 From León Sanchez : Thanks Marilyn, would it be best to say we are creating the scope?

17:40:27 From Bartlett.Morgan : Marilyn is right
17:40:45 From Bartlett.Morgan : I'm not aware of PPs being binding in any of the usual contexts
17:40:50 From Olivier MJ Crepin-Leblond : ok - point taken Marilyn 17:42:21 From Marilyn Cade : Informational documents — brilliant, Leon.
17:42:29 From Marilyn Cade : informational paper.
17:43:01 From León Sanchez : Thanks Marilyn :-)
17:47:37 From León Sanchez : Good point Marilyn
17:49:17 From Bartlett.Morgan : can we make it optional?
17:49:28 From Bartlett.Morgan : i mean, it doesn't *hurt*
17:51:00 From Marilyn Cade : Face to face - with Board WG and public meeting : yes to both.
17:51:08 From Olivier MJ Crepin-Leblond : Topics?
17:53:46 From Y Kim : Adding to Barlett’s comment, I think we can make citation of one’s SO/AC affiliation in his/her SOI can be optional (if I understood it correctly). Think it can help people understand the background of one’s comments, etc in a more comprehensive manner?
17:59:20 From León Sanchez : I have to apologize as I need to leave the call now
17:59:24 From León Sanchez : thanks eveyone
17:59:33 From Olivier MJ Crepin-Leblond : Thanks for attending the call Leon!
17:59:33 From León Sanchez : tty soon
17:59:35 From León Sanchez : bye
18:00:50 From Marilyn Cade : 20 people are on the call, so still important to provide information.
18:01:04 From Sufian Khalfalla : Sorry for joining late. We have power cuts in Tripoli, Libya that affecting telecommunications and internet access.
18:02:30 From Adam Peake : Can add that ICANN will have a booth in the IGF Village and all SO/AC/Constituencies are very welcome to share this space. As Nigel mentioned it might be used for flash sessions and small meet-ups. And for sharing materials. The IGF is trying to be paper-free so we will be reducing the amount of print materials, moving to QR codes and links to documents etc online 18:03:06 From Olivier MJ Crepin-Leblond : Thanks @Adam
18:06:08 From Olivier MJ Crepin-Leblond : Report here: https:// www.un.org/en/pdfs/DigitalCooperation-report-for%20web.pdf
18:07:28 From mandy.carver : There has been no decision yet on whether ICANN will contribute/comment
18:08:03 From Hu Zhengkun : Thank you, Olivier. And, have a good day, everyone
18:08:10 From Sufian Khalfalla : Thank you everyone .. hope to see you soon again!
18:08:12 From Marilyn Cade : Perhaps we could consider discussing the UN DC document?
18:08:13 From Bartlett.Morgan : bye everyone
18:08:14 From Y Kim : Thanks everyone