CCWG on IG Teleconference - 2015.09.24 - Adobe Chat
rafik:I guess so, still 11:00pm :)
judith hellerstein:Travelling by train and tried to hook in via cellphone but kept losing the signal so joining by AC
Young eum Lee:I keep losing audio for this call. Also, the phone lines are all busy.
Renate De Wulf:@Young-eum, sorry about that - but the mic in the AC room is active so you should be able to speak through there
Young eum Lee:I don't have a microphone for my PC
judith hellerstein:I lost audio as well, but thought it was because of the cell seignal on the train
Renate De Wulf:@Young-eum, please give me your phone number and I will have the AC room dial out to you
Renate De Wulf:@All, please note that there are some issues with AdobeConnect - they are installing upgrades to resolve these issues
Renate De Wulf:Please click on the below url (or type it in manually in your web browser) to run a system test: steps 1 & 4 are up-to-date, this is critical – Please click on the update button if either are out of date.
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:Today's call agenda is linked to:
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:UN Web Site with list of written submissions to the non-paper:
Matthew Shears:no thanks
judith hellerstein:Thanks @olivier
Marilia Maciel:Hello all, sorry for being late. Was in another call.
Matthew Shears:+ 1 Nigel - we have to avoid at all costs the perception of failure in the transition
Vicky Sheckler:apologies for but I need to drop off early today
Matthew Shears:sound is fine for me
judith hellerstein:I have the same problems with Lynn and others, but thought it wa smy wifi.
judith hellerstein:But now as Renate said Adobe is doing updates so possibly this is also an issue
Matthew Shears:the CCWG proposal needs to be endorsed by the chartering orgs for that to happen
Lynn St.Amour:@ Matthew, yes, that is also being looked at.. and maybe there is no change to the original CCWG proposal
Lynn St.Amour:which would mean no new endorsement required..
Young eum Lee:Agree with Olivier's suggestion (sorry no audio)
Matthew Shears:much depends on how constructively folks can work in LA
nigel hickson 2:so IG session is 9.30 - 11.00 on Thursday
Matthew Shears:2 minutes for intervenors and then discussion
Young eum Lee:Definitely agree with the arrangement of the room
Matthew Shears:it should focus on WSIS - there wil be enough to talkabout particularly as the SDGs will have been adopted.
Matthew Shears:and if we have challenges on the accountability side going forward that will also be a focus of discussion
Matthew Shears:as will therefore the transition
rafik 2:yes Nigel like in Singapore, it did work well
Young eum Lee:Bill mentioned the IGF session, so he would be the appropriate person for the IGF
Klaus Stoll:In case of emergency I am available
judith hellerstein:I also can moderate if necessary
Matthew Shears:I am always happy to talk
Matthew Shears:on IG
Chris Wilson:I am leaving that Thursday morning or else would be happy to help
Lynn St.Amour:There is a separate accountability and ICG Town HAll.
Matthew Shears:I can talk on WSIS + 10
judith hellerstein:I am familiar with WSIS +10 and could help out
Lynn St.Amour:I think we should punt any questions on CCWG or ICG or IANA transition to the Town Hall mentioned above.
Matthew Shears:agree Lynn - otherwise will consume this sessin as well
Lynn St.Amour:thinking about it further, the Town Hall is earlier in the week, but we should refer them to the appropriate venue..
judith hellerstein:I agree with Lynn on the CCWg
Young eum Lee:+1.
judith hellerstein:Very much welcome the idea of the icann hubs
Matthew Shears:yes great idea
Lynn St.Amour:IGF?
nigel hickson 2:Re Hubs; thanks for feedback
judith hellerstein:sooru
judith hellerstein:i had to reboot as I had lost the audip
Lynn St.Amour:Shouldn't we as CCWG IG members have a purpose in our engagement at IGF
judith hellerstein:and then i came off mute . so sorry about this
Lynn St.Amour:that is what I was trying to work towards.
Bill Drake:sorry to be late here
Matthew Shears:Agree - also when will the CCWG IG start to lay out an engamenet plan for how ICANN should engage in fora going forward
Lynn St.Amour:Voluntold...
Lynn St.Amour:@Matthew - agree
Matthew Shears:its a bigger strategic discussion but one that should occur soon for planning purposes
Bill Drake:can I repeate my pleas from last time that the F2F discussion the IGF session
Renate De Wulf:@BIll, that is agenda item 1
Renate De Wulf:of the F2F session
Bill Drake:I typed before I looked, sorry Renate
Bill Drake:got it my bad, onward
Renate De Wulf:no worries
Lynn St.Amour:Thank you Olivier, all
Young eum Lee:Thanks everyone
Klaus Stoll:Thanks all
judith hellerstein:I can not do mon/Teusday but otherwise I am fine
Bill Drake:all weeks busy
Matthew Shears:doodle?
Young eum Lee:Doodle!
Bill Drake:staff vacations are not allowed Renate, it makes community members jealous :-)
judith hellerstein:I can not make monday Oct 5 as It is a jewish holiday
Bill Drake:Monday 5th
Bill Drake:ah
Bill Drake:doodle 5, 6, 6
Bill Drake:7
judith hellerstein:I can not make either of these two dates as they are jewish holidays
Alexandra Dans:Thanks!
nigel hickson 2:thanks all
Avri Doria:bye
Bill Drake:thanks
Matthew Shears:thanks