CCWG on IG Teleconference - 2015.08.05 - Adobe Chat
Renate De Wulf:hello Olivier, Adigo will dial you now
rafik:can you hear me
Renate De Wulf:no Rafik
Renate De Wulf:do you need a dial out?
Judith Hellerstein:HI all
nigel hickson:renate; could I be called; sorry; 41 22 819 1859 thanks
Renate De Wulf:OK Nigel
Judith Hellerstein:HI Olivier, I also reached out to At Large Staff to make this more visible within At Large as it does not get on the list of calls that go out each week
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:@Judith: thank you
Judith Hellerstein:Terri said they will liase with Renate to get it included going forward
marilyn Cade:sorry to be late joining. Thanks to Judith.
Bill Drake:the G77 and China doc is still not up
marilyn Cade:I would like to speak, when it works out, after Nigel's excellent summary
Judith Hellerstein:@bill there is a document from China up on the site. Is there a 2nd one scheduled to be up?
Bill Drake:yes
Bill Drake:it is quite different
Renate De Wulf:Marilyn, do you need a dial out? Please give me a number?
marilyn Cade:so, maybe I can dial in...
marilyn Cade:202 360 1196
marilyn Cade:NO worries, really, I think these are excellent timelines...
marilyn Cade:but really, we had sufficient notice.
Bill Drake:you all would enjoy the Russian contribution
marilyn Cade:Let's not distinquish our timelines from the fullsome timeliens open to all...
Judith Hellerstein:yes. I did enjoy it and especially what they thought of icann
Bill Drake:We call for facilitating the process of gradual transfer of control over the domain names and IP addresses allocation functions towards the international control under the auspices of the United Nations (or its specialized organization), avoiding monopolization of the Internet resources governance.
Gary Hunt - UK Government:Will notes be made for distribution after this meeting?
marilyn Cade:I am reading all submissions, and whiel there are a few.. govts, there are many more friendly.. submissions, but Bill Drake, can we hear more about the view that you hold?
Gary Hunt - UK Government:Marilyn: are you saying the Govt submissions are unfreindly? ;)
Judith Hellerstein:the saudi arabia one is also interesting
Judith Hellerstein:NO the stakeholder meeting is oct 19 and the govt discussions are oct 20-22
Judith Hellerstein:China calls for a new form of multistakeholder participation with more preference for national governments than other stakeholders
Rudi Vansnick:sorry was on a phone call , missed part of the discussion
Judith Hellerstein:It also seeks to have the UN create a convention on Cyber crime
PeterDT:I think a synthesis of position papers with commentary would be useful
Bill Drake:oct 20-22 is where the action will be
PeterDT:Nigel - is there an ICANN effort to reach out and collaborate with allies in a lead up to the next set of public meetings?
Judith Hellerstein:@PDT Veni is working closely with all the UN staff
Judith Hellerstein:and countires
Judith Hellerstein:*countries
nigel hickson:@Peter - yes we talk to folks in NY and Geneva
PeterDT:thanks Nigel: I had assumed so. what is the strategy that that collaboration seeks to achieve?
PeterDT:we had staff of one co-facilitator at the U.S. IGF in DC on 16 July
PeterDT:@judith thanks
Judith Hellerstein:There is a 16th contribution now listed. India has submitted one
Bill Drake:Council Working Group on International Internet-related Public Policy Issues is 1-2 October
Judith Hellerstein:WSIS CWG is Sept 29-30
Judith Hellerstein:Open consultation for CWG Internet is Sept. 28
PeterDT:sounds good Olivier
Gary Hunt - UK Government:Olivier: Suport from UK
PeterDT:another task is to share the information with the ICANN community and explain the ICANN position on this
nigel hickson:@Juidth - thanks for dates; a;; a bit confusing; will be a full week
Judith Hellerstein:There are 16 Govt proposals now with India
PeterDT:a wiki /spreadsheet laying out the various positions would be helpful- it doesn't have to include a critique
Judith Hellerstein:the open consultation for CWG is a few days earlier than the CWG Internet
Alexandra Dans:LACIGF finished yesterday. Today and until Friday we have the Fifth Ministerial Conference on the Information Society in Latin America and the Caribbean (eLAC) in Mexico City.
Bill Drake:@Gary happy to see UKgovt here :-)
Avri Doria:yes, could be very useful in gatyhering understanding.
Gary Hunt - UK Government:I thought we were always here? :)
Avri Doria:anyone who thinks it is pointless should not use it. or contribute to it.
PeterDT:not evaluate or critique
PeterDT:report and summarise
Judith Hellerstein:Yes I agree with @PDT
Judith Hellerstein:just a report and sumary is good
Avri Doria:and why is critque a problem. could be useful to understand the various perspectives on the perspectives.
Gary Hunt - UK Government:I agree with Olivier... this would be an executive summary...
PeterDT:I think Marilyn's listing of sources is very interesting
Avri Doria:Of course ISOC often does one of these. Maybe they will also do one.
Judith Hellerstein:Has any one read the new contribution that is listed from India. It seems to have just been posted
PeterDT:can the wiki include that as a feature?
Avri Doria:People have been wirting neutral synthesie for quite a while. There is lots of expereince in doin gthis.
Judith Hellerstein:Yes criteria for developing the summaries
LynnSt Amour:Follow up by email would be helpful.
PeterDT:origin/category of submitter: govt, tech, civil society etc
LynnSt Amour:Consistency in review of @submission is quite critical
Judith Hellerstein:But we do need some categories, possibly wsis priorities, renewal of IGF, critical of ICANN
nigel hickson:Yes; would be good to do a bit more on "issues" for table
LynnSt Amour:The matrix that ISOC did for WCIT (and later for ITU) might suggest some options:
PeterDT:thanks Lyn - just the kind of thing I was thinking of!
Bill Drake:agree +1 Lynn
nigel hickson:@Lynn - really great; remember this....
Judith Hellerstein:Yes I thought the ISOC matrix for WCIT was really very helpful
LynnSt Amour:It is quite a bit of work and consistency is key.
Judith Hellerstein:@1 Lynn's suggestion
PeterDT:I have to leave on the hour- can we schedule some planning for Dublin?
Bill Drake:Olivier send it to the list, there are only 12 voices here
LynnSt Amour:good suggestion Bill
Bill Drake:more time to breath
PeterDT:2-weekly calls suit me
LynnSt Amour:@PDT - me as well (tho I hope to be on vacation then ) :-)
nigel hickson:And me (on holiday)
PeterDT:vacation? what crazy idea is that? ð
LynnSt Amour:indeed - and it is getting more and more diffcult to escape the Internet's reach
Judith Hellerstein:Marilyn was talking about the synthesis on the non-paper
Judith Hellerstein:which she says is going to happen at the end of august
PeterDT:got to go people Thanks all
Judith Hellerstein:Bye PDT
LynnSt Amour:Thank you Olivier, all,
Rudi Vansnick:bye to all
Judith Hellerstein:Bye all
Gary Hunt - UK Government:Good afternoon!
nigel hickson:all the best