CCWG on IG Teleconference - 2015.06.03 - AdobeChat

CCWG on IG Teleconference - 2015.06.03 - AdobeChat

  Carlos Raul:should we give you half an hour for that????

  Carlos Raul:sorry I coundt make it last week

  Carlos Raul:hope to catch up now

  marilyn cade:Hello to all. I see we are still gathering.

  judith hellerstein:HI All

  judith hellerstein:From DC

  Peter DT 2:Folks may be interested in a seminar in DC this Friday on Internet Governance

  Peter DT 2:Internet Governance, ICANN and Congress.Sucks: Where is Control of the Internet Going?

  judith hellerstein:Yes and it will be livestreamed by ISOC at livestream.com/internetsociety

  Peter DT 2:http://www.netcaucus.org/th_event/iana-functions-domain-dot-sucks/

  judith hellerstein:Actually sorry it is livestream.com/internetsociety2

  Sam Lanfranco:No echo at this end

  Peter DT 2:Thanks Judith

  nigel hickson:@Judith - Jamie Headlund Speaking

  judith hellerstein:HI Jamie

  judith hellerstein:on livestream.com/internetsociety we will be streaming a program from NYC on the impact of the internet onemployment

  judith hellerstein:@mary was an amazing video that you were in on woman in internet governance

  Carlos Raul:good question!

  Peter DT 2:Link please Judith? sounds interesting

  judith hellerstein:livestream.com/internetsociety

  judith hellerstein:isoc has 3 channels, channel 2 has the icann event, main channel  has the impact of internet on employment

  judith hellerstein:Can not hear Nigel well he keeps cutting out

  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:Nigel is sometimes cutting out, but I also think that there might be a lag between Nigel's connection and the AC room hence it takes a few seconds for his voice to reach us

  Peter DT 2:Transition wont "fall apart"; even if it did, a "post mortem" would be helpful :-)

  Carlos Raul:Hinojosa

  marilyn cade:I agree with Peter. Falling apart is not actually in our plans, as we are the Internet crowd, after all.

  marilyn cade:but yes, we will still need to do a workshop.

  marilyn cade:The overviews were exceptionally useful, in my view.

  marilyn cade:The participants at IGF may be even "newer" to the subject.

  Peter DT 2:Good to see pro-process responses by Kavous,also  :-)

  judith hellerstein:At the AIS, they gave a similar presentation, http://www.internetsummitafrica.org/components/com_jcalpro/slides/seun%20slides-%20icann%20day.pdf

  Young eum Lee:Great to see the 'change' by Kavous.

  Peter DT 2:@YEL   yes! 

  Young eum Lee:I have noticed a change in his responses in the discussions in the mailing list also.

  nigel hickson:@YEL - he has been positive in GAC as well.....

  Young eum Lee:@Nigel - The change in his response actually is one measure of the 'success' of the whole process.

  Peter DT 2:If it isnt clearer and simpler by November, we should be worried!

  nigel hickson:@Peter - agreed; hopefully the propsoals will be submitted .....

  Lynn St.Amour:even with the proposals submitted, how woud that chanage this workshop?

  Peter DT 2:@ OCLB  accountability is an unending journey - there will always be time and a need to address accountability

  Lynn St.Amour:ok, thanks

  Young eum Lee:Great to see the effort for 'outreach.'

  Lynn St.Amour: I thought I had effectively dodged this

  Peter DT 2:;-)  Lynn  No rest for the skilful

  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:;-) - brought back in LOL

  Peter DT 2:Lisbon?

  Lynn St.Amour:I think the key part of this presentation is the question above :  Why are these external events important for ICANN and the ICANN Community?"

  Lynn St.Amour:and that would lead to how to help..

  Carlos Raul:for the purposes of the GNSO liason, a very important question indeed

  Peter DT 2:Are we ( for eg.) preparing a resolution or a declaration that would be ICANN position on this going into the UNGA?

  Peter DT 2:OLCB  I think the NetMundial statemet is a good precedent to appy in this case

  nigel hickson:Yes, ICANN is cooridnating position with I* folks - collective position

  marilyn cade:I like using the NM statemet,and working from that.

  Peter DT 2:@Nigel - but what is the process that ICANN has used to establish its position?

  marilyn cade:If ICANN is developing a position, I am also curious about how ICANN is deeloping its position.

  Young eum Lee:@Marilyn: you are talking about this group's submission to the NM process?

  marilyn cade:We could use part of the session as we did in preparation for the NM, where we presented to the floor... and then took the sense of the room...

  Lynn St.Amour:I like Marilyn's suggestion above

  marilyn cade:right Young eum. We did not actually approve this via a vote from the SO/ACs but did a town hall..

  marilyn cade:I think we are talkoing about something different than waht ICANN is developing with the I*s, though

  Young eum Lee:Agree with Marilyn regarding taking the temperature of the room

  marilyn cade:What are we talking about though? Telling the UN that WSIS +10 is...

  marilyn cade:Okay, I need to speak now. Let's be sure we are clear on when and what is being talked about and when a statement is to be made. Is it the WSIS +10 UNGA

  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:@marilyn: you're next

  Peter DT 2:There is no process for community contribution in this to the staff/Fadi position

  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:@Peter: agreed

  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:oops - dropped

  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:could I receive a dial out again please

  Sam Lanfranco:“taking the sense of the room” for me has two parts. I:  What do we not know about what attendees don’t know; and 2: what do attendees not know about what they don’t know? Be nice to capture some of that before the f2f, to get beyond restating the message in the absence of that context knowledge.

  Peter DT 2:Good points Sam

  Lynn St.Amour:hear you well

  Peter DT 2:was great while it lasted!

  Lynn St.Amour:lost you now

  Lynn St.Amour:yes

  Lynn St.Amour:we hear yoy

  marilyn cade:Olivier, I like the idea of using the face to face to begin to work on this.

  Young eum Lee:agree with Marilyn

  judith hellerstein:love that expression dog's breakfast

  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:(c) Cheryl Langdon Orr :-)

  Lynn St.Amour:that works for me..

  judith hellerstein:That works for me as well

  Peter DT 2:Yes, Chair - will do!

  Peter DT 2:Sumer?  January February?

  Peter DT 2::-)

  Peter DT 2:Mrilyn wants to talk polling....

  Sam Lanfranco:If the BA f2f is treated as the start of (the next stage) of community consultation with Dublin & IGF as the targets, there should be an ongoing July-on consultation process…..including beyond the SOs and ACs.

  Peter DT 2:Agree Sam

  judith hellerstein:i heard this discussion in the mag and really did not understand what the purpose of this project was

  Carlos Raul:Is the "member of the BoD" a title¨?

  Carlos Raul:Wolgang ahs many

  Carlos Raul:He is also NMI ambassador

  judith hellerstein:Yes he really does

  Lynn St.Amour:Thank you Olivier, good call

  Peter DT 2:Thanks Chair, thanks staff - all. Bye

  Young eum Lee:bye

  judith hellerstein:Bye all

  Sam Lanfranco:bye

  marilyn cade:thanks, chair.

  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:Thanks everyone - progress made!