CCWG on IG Teleconference - 2015.01.06 - Adobe Chat
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:Hello all -- one minute please as I end my participation in another call
Marilia Maciel:Sure. And happy new year everyone! :)
Renate De Wulf:@Olivier - let me know when Adigo can dial you in
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:ok now
Patrik Fältström:I have to reconnect. This broken system (Adobe Connect) is....broken...
Renate De Wulf:hello everyone
Alex Dans:Hello from Montevideo :)
nigel hickson:Good afternoon all
Bill Drake:wonderful timing
Patrik Fältström:FWIW, I have another call at he top of the hour, so I can only be here until then...
Patrik Fältström:Copy and paste
Alex Dans:
Bill Drake:onward
Bill Drake:Not Round, U
nigel hickson:@Olivier - also understand not clashing with GAC (if possible)?
Bill Drake:could even be a closed U, ie. two rows/tables pressed together in middle and then others around the outside
Patrik Fältström:I.e. the reason why I pointed this out is that this CCWG explicitly is NOT talking about IANA transition, but for the *scheduling* I think there should be no overlap - if possible.
Robin Gross:would be better to have substantive discussion topic. I don't understand where the suggestion for discussion of NetMundial Initiaive came from
Robin Gross:I do no support the discussion on NMI.
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:@Robin: do you have suggestions for other topics?
Robin Gross:Strengthening the IGF
nigel hickson:Yes; 31 March is confirmed for 1st meeting of CC (location TBD)
Marilyn Cade:can I be heard?
Marilyn Cade:NMI - I am not sure that we should ignore an update, as some know more than others.
Bill Drake:an update sure, but an extended discussion....?
Renate De Wulf:Marilyn, you dropped off the phone - please call back in
Marilyn Cade:It sounds strange to have a NON governmental entity claim the term of ambassador, as that normally is a governmental term.
Bill Drake:Ambassador Kleinwachter would be welcome :-)
Robin Gross:a focus on NMI would be a missed opportunity
Marilyn Cade:I will dial in by phone... at least let
Marilyn Cade:us have an update, and take questions.
Marilyn Cade:maybe now it works for me to speak?
Renate De Wulf:Marilyn, give it a try
Greg Shatan:One subject for discussion could be coordinating between "ICANN the corporation" and "ICANN the community" on Internet Governance initiatives.
Renate De Wulf:Marilyn, please give me anumber and Adigo will call you
Marilyn Cade:I am at 1 202 360 1196
Renate De Wulf:Marilyn, thank you - Adigo is calling you
Bill Drake:I certainly agree with what Marilyn's saying as a general matter. My only question was whether extended ex ante discussion of this particular item at this particular time will be value adding.
Robin Gross:I like Greg's suggested topic.
Bill Drake:strengthening IGF also good but probablynot really a lot of progress and engagement to reflect on by Singapore
Bill Drake:No IGF Updates Please
Patrik Fältström:I must also go to next call.
Patrik Fältström:bye
Bill Drake:we have done those for years and they are painful
Bill Drake:wow, comment and go
Robin Gross:of all 3 topics suggested so far, I think Greg's suggestion would be the most engaging and unique. I support it.
Bill Drake:I sort of feel like we've been talking about that in multiple ways for years
Bill Drake:it would need to be focused in a non-repetitive way
Marilia Maciel:And I think this overlaps with the accountability debate as well.
Robin Gross:the discussion's focus could be on finding solutions to the problem of disconnection.
Bill Drake:ok Robin but which specically are the disconnects that would be the reference point for the discussion?
Marilia Maciel:I will need to drop now. Thanks everybody
Bill Drake:beyond NETmundial and NMI, what would we be talking about?
sally costerton:sorry just got cut off.
sally costerton:dialling back in
Robin Gross:Bill, how many examples do you need?
Bill Drake:one example that is not NM or NMI
Robin Gross:Strategy panels
sally costerton:That is correct.
Greg Shatan:ICANN will always be a player on the world Internet Governance scene.
Greg Shatan:I don't see ICANN becoming an IG hermit. Nor can it.
sally costerton:yes Greg and I would expect that ongoing engagement to be discussed in this regular forum
sally costerton:Hence Nigel and Anne Rachel being liaisons on this group.
Greg Shatan:Sally, I agree, But I don't think that's to the exclusion of the public session.
nigel hickson:@Olivier - can we just touch on WSIS+10; in our submission to Meetings Team we need to give topics (though just headings)
Greg Shatan:And I do think we need to drive the work in our group more to that role on an ongoing basis.
sally costerton:No we could certainly explore how to structure that discussion
sally costerton:I agree Greg sorry not clear in my comment in the chat:-)
Bill Drake:I think what Greg's suggesting would be good for the CWG meeting where we could explore it interactively at length, I'm just not clear how it would work as one of several items in the larger public session
Greg Shatan:Thanks, Sally.
sally costerton:Agree Bill. Very happy to work with you all on how to make sure that's a meangingful discussion with good agreed next steps.
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:@all: we'll follow-up by email. Please continue the discussion on the mailing list
Bill Drake:only if you promise not to send more incoherent transcript snippets
Bill Drake:Ok so CSTD could be another example for Greg's issue
Bill Drake:A number of times over the years when NCSG met with the Board I tried to get discussion going of the board engaging the community on IG / intergovernmental interfacing, never got traction, mostly blank stares. So I'm all for the issue, just don't want to rehash NETmundial and other stuff from previous years in a 15-30 blip
Robin Gross:where can we see ICANN's contribution to CSTD?
Bill Drake:it's been circulated online Robin
Bill Drake:various lists
Bill Drake:let me look...
Bill Drake:ah it was the CSTD list
Robin Gross:thanks!
Bill Drake:Robin I can forward you
Robin Gross:muchos gracias, Bill
Bill Drake:Now we are getting somewhere....
Bill Drake:ICANN 'speaks' in ITU and other settings too, if we could be forward looking on how that is done, that'd be great
Bill Drake:Robin, sent
Bill Drake:merci Mr. Chairman
Greg Shatan:CSTD sounds like a disease... :-(
Greg Shatan:Bye all!
Bill Drake:ciao