Action Items: 2015-10-07 Cross Community Committee on Accessibility Call

Action Items: 2015-10-07 Cross Community Committee on Accessibility Call


  • Ariel Liang to add the mission in the Cross-Community Workspace.
  • Mission: This WG will work on the issues surrounding the particular needs of populations who face challenges to: participate in the policy development work of ICANN, and gain access to the Internet and participate in the Internet community. These populations include: people with disability, indigenous, aboriginal or 'first nation' populations, and other vulnerable populations (a diverse category, including groups such as refugees, trafficked and exploited people, crime victims, etc.,WG will work together with ICANN to help make it a 'Best Practice' organization on matters of facilitating and supporting "Accessibility Matters".
  •  A schedule of upcoming meetings (1 x month) will be presented at the Dublin meeting. Gisella Gruber to prepare the schedule of meetings.