Action Items: 2015-09-16 Cross Community Committee on Accessibility Call
Action Items: 2015-09-16 Cross Community Committee on Accessibility Call
- 1. Silvia Vivanco to invite Nancy Lupiano to the next call of the Accessibility WG. (if next call is held prior to Dublin). If not, Nancy to inform group re Accessibility issues in Dublin via email.
- 2. Joly to include Christopher Mondini in messages to MSFT NY.
3. Cross Community wiki space (Notes):
- Landing page is lean, efficient and attractive with enough information and material.
- Look at design very carefully, larger and readable font (Sans Serif font)
- Access to documents in various formats
- Look to the WCAG 2.0 Level AA guidelines as a fundamental basis for our standards.
- - 3. Cheryl Langdon-Orr, Laura Bengford, Heidi Ullrich to work with the design layout from ICANN's WIKI Czar and UX to help
- A 'stress test' on the new Accessibility TF is to be made. Consideration of either a comments page or email address.
Dublin f2f should be a deep dive session on accessibility, including a chance to film short videos.
- Next Call - Should be a couple of hours later than today's call. Next call to be before Dublin. Gisella Gruber to coordinate with CLO on possible dates and send doodle accordingly.