Rec 1: SAC120 - CLOSED
Rec 1: SAC120 - CLOSED
SSAC Input to GNSO IDN EPDP on Internationalized Domain Name Variants (R1)
Date Issued | Document | Reference ID | Current Phase |
| SSAC Input to GNSO IDN EPDP on Internationalized Domain Name Variants (R1) | SAC120 | CLOSED |
In this report, the ICANN Security and Stability Advisory Committee (SSAC) provides advice to the ICANN Generic Name Supporting Organization (GNSO) Expedited Policy Development Process (EPDP) on Internationalized Domain Names (IDNs). The advice concerns the management of internationalized domain name variants.
Date | Phase | Type | Status Updates |
| Closed | Phase Change | This Advice Item is now Closed |
| Phase 1 | Phase Update | ICANN org acknowledged receipt of SAC120 and notified SSAC it will be closed immediately. |
| Phase 1 | Phase Update | The ICANN understands SAC120 is a report from the ICANN Security and Stability Advisory Committee (SSAC) providing advice to the ICANN Generic Name Supporting Organization (GNSO) Expedited Policy Development Process (EPDP) on Internationalized Domain Names (IDNs). The advice concerns the management of internationalized domain name variants. There are no actionable items for the ICANN Board. |
| Phase 1 | Phase Change | Now in Phase 1: Receive & Acknowledge |
| Phase 1 | Phase Update | SSAC published SAC120: SSAC Input to GNSO IDN EPDP on Internationalized Domain Name Variants. Link: https://www.icann.org/en/system/files/files/sac-120-en.pdf. |