Rec 2B: SAC101v2 - CLOSED

Rec 2B: SAC101v2 - CLOSED

SSAC Advisory Regarding Access to Domain Name Registration Data (R-2B)

Date IssuedDocumentReference IDCurrent Phase


SSAC Advisory Regarding Access to Domain Name Registration Data (R-2B)SAC101v2



The ICANN Board should direct the ICANN Organization to work with the ICANN Community to:

B) clarify current expectations for the use of rate limiting under existing policy and agreements.


DatePhaseTypeStatus Updates


ClosePhase ChangeThis Advice Item is now Closed


Phase 4Phase UpdateA letter (https://www.icann.org/en/system/files/correspondence/costerton-to-mohan-25nov24-en.pdf) was sent to Ram Mohan as part of ICANN's ongoing efforts to streamline and enhance the advice consideration process.


Phase 4AP FeedbackThe SSAC acknowledges this implementation update. The SSAC notes it is waiting for the outcomes of SSAD and RDAP implementation to see if this advice is addressed within those efforts.


Phase 4AP FeedbackThe SSAC is still considering this update. Please leave on Action Required tab.


Phase 4Phase UpdateThe ODP for the SSAD was launched on 29 April 2021 (https://www.icann.org/en/announcements/details/icann-organization-launches-operational-design-phase-for-system-for-standardized-accessdisclosure-29-4-2021-en). Additionally, the Board resolved on the EPDP Phase 2 Priority 2 topics on 21 June 2021, adopted GNSO Council Recommendations 19-22 and directed ICANN org to develop and execute an implementation plan for the recommendations (https://www.icann.org/resources/board-material/resolutions-2021-06-21-en).


Phase 4AP FeedbackImplementation update acknowledged. This item can be removed from the Action Required tab.


Phase 4Phase UpdateThe EPDP issued the Phase 2 Final Report on the Temporary Specification for gTLD Registration Data on 31 July 2020, and was subsequently adopted by the GNSO council on 24 September 2020 and was provided to the Board for consideration. ICANN org notes the Public Comment period regarding Phase 2 Priority 2 Topics closed on 22 January 2021 and a staff report was issued on 5 February 2021 (https://www.icann.org/en/system/files/files/report-comments-policy-recommendations-epdp-phase-2-05feb21-en.pdf). ICANN org also notes as the Public Comment regarding Phase 2 closed on 30 March 2021 (https://www.icann.org/public-comments/epdp-2-policy-recs-board-2021-02-08-en). Additionally, the Board resolved (https://www.icann.org/resources/board-material/resolutions-2021-03-25-en#2.c) to direct ICANN org to conduct the Operational Design Phase (ODP) for the SSAD on 25 March 2021.


Phase 4Phase UpdateICANN org continues to review this advice to determine how it should be implemented. Once ICANN org has determined a path forward for implementation, further updates will be provided to the SSAC.


Phase 4AP FeedbackSSAC acknowledged the 2020 Q4 implementation update and did not have any comments or feedback for ICANN org.


Phase 4Phase UpdateICANN org is currently reviewing this advice to determine how it should be implemented. Once ICANN org has determined a path forward for implementation, further updates will be provided to the SSAC.


Phase 4AP FeedbackSSAC acknowledged the June 2019 notification and agreed with the ARR Team's classification of moving this item to "Phase 4 | Implement".


Phase 4Phase UpdateOn 23 June 2019 the ICANN Board considered SAC101v2 and accepted Recommendation 1 and directed the ICANN President and CEO, or his designee(s), to work with the community to clarify existing contractual obligations relating to rate limits (https://www.icann.org/resources/board-material/resolutions-2019-06-23-en#1.c). In its rationale the Board state "Advice item 2B suggests that the Board direct ICANN org to work with the community to 'clarify current expectations for the use of rate limiting under existing policy and agreements.' In accepting advice item 2B, the Board notes that the community should be involved in the discussion to clarify existing contractual obligations relating to rate limits."


Phase 4Phase ChangeNow in Phase 4: Implement


Phase 3Board UpdateResolved (2019.06.23.05), the Board accepts advice item 2B in SAC101 version 2 relating to clarifying expectations for the use of rate-limiting under existing policy and agreements, and directs the ICANN President and CEO, or his designee(s), to work with the community to clarify existing contractual obligations relating to rate limits. See full resolution at https://www.icann.org/en/board-activities-and-meetings/materials/approved-resolutions-regular-meeting-of-the-icann-board-open-session-23-06-2019-en#1.c.


Phase 2Board UnderstandingThe ICANN organization understands SAC101v2 Recommendation 2 to mean that the ICANN Board should direct the ICANN org work with the ICANN Community to: A) develop policy with defined uniform purposes for RDDS rate-limiting and corresponding service level agreement requirements and B) clarify current expectations for the use of rate limiting under existing policy and agreements.


Phase 2AP FeedbackSSAC rejected understanding and added the following comments: The Board's understanding of "A" has removed the words "corresponding service level agreement requirements." The SSAC specifically recommends that the policy-making process specifically include consideration of SLA requirements to address rate-limiting.


Phase 2Board UnderstandingThe ICANN organization understands SAC101v2 Recommendation 2 to mean that the ICANN Board should direct the ICANN org work with the ICANN Community to: A) develop policy with defined uniform purposes for RDDS rate-limiting and B) clarify current expectations for the use of rate limiting under existing policy and agreements.


Phase 2Phase ChangeNow in Phase 2: Understand


Phase 1Phase UpdateICANN org acknowledged receipt of SAC101v2.


Phase 1Phase UpdateSSAC published SAC101v2: SSAC Advisory Regarding Access to Domain Name Registration Data Link: https://www.icann.org/en/system/files/files/sac-101-v2-en.pdf Version 2 of SAC101 was published to reflect evolving circumstances related to ICANN’s Temporary Specification for gTLD Registration Data, and the ongoing Expedited Policy Development Process (EPDP) on the Temporary Specification for gTLD Registration Data. Version 1 of SAC101 has been retired and version 2 is authoritative.