Rec 25: ICANN Transparency and Accountability - CLOSED
Rec 25: ICANN Transparency and Accountability - CLOSED
The 2nd At-Large Summit (ATLAS II): ICANN Transparency and Accountability (R-25)
Date Issued | Document | Reference ID | Current Phase |
| The 2nd At-Large Summit (ATLAS II) (R-25) | AL-ATLAS-02-DCL-01-01-EN | CLOSED |
To enhance ICANN's community effort on building a culture of Transparency and Accountability, as called for in the recommendations of ATRT2, oversight of the Board's decisions now requires an effective mechanism of checks and balances, capable of providing true multi-stakeholder oversight and effective remedies.
Date | Phase | Type | Status Updates |
| Closed | Phase Change | This Advice Item is now Closed |
| Phase 5 | Board Update | A letter (https://www.icann.org/en/system/files/correspondence/crocker-to-greenberg-19oct16-en.pdf) was sent to Chair of the ALAC regarding Advice Item's progress and completion. |
| Phase 5 | Board Update | The Board in its 9 September 2014 resolution acknowledged the Final ATLAS II Declaration: https://www.icann.org/resources/board-material/resolutions-2014-09-09-en#3.e Implementation is covered by work related to CCWG Work Streams 1 and 2. The ICANN Board provided the Work Stream 1 proposal to the NTIA on 10 March 2016. Development of Work Stream 2 is still in progress. For updates regarding Work Stream 2, see the CCWG-Accountability wiki page: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/display/WEIA/WS2+-+Enhancing+ICANN+Accountability+Home. |
| Phase 1 | Phase Update | ALAC published AL-ATLAS-02-DCL-01-01-EN: The 2nd At-Large Summit (ATLAS II): ICANN Transparency and Accountability: https://archive.icann.org/en/meetings/atlas2014/atlas.icann.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/ATLAS-II-Declaration-with-appendix-RC9.pdf. |