Rec 20: Global Internet: The User Perspective - CLOSED
Rec 20: Global Internet: The User Perspective - CLOSED
The 2nd At-Large Summit (ATLAS II): Global Internet: The User Perspective (R-20)
Date Issued | Document | Reference ID | Current Phase |
| The 2nd At-Large Summit (ATLAS II) (R-20) | AL-ATLAS-02-DCL-01-01-EN | CLOSED |
Input the user perspective, wherever necessary, to advance accountability, transparency and policy development within ICANN.
Date | Phase | Type | Status Updates |
| Closed | Phase Change | This Advice Item is now Closed |
| Phase 5 | Board Update | A letter (https://www.icann.org/en/system/files/correspondence/crocker-to-greenberg-19oct16-en.pdf) was sent to Chair of the ALAC regarding Advice Item's progress and completion. |
| Phase 5 | Board Update | The Board in its 9 September 2014 resolution acknowledged the Final ATLAS II Declaration: https://www.icann.org/resources/board-material/resolutions-2014-09-09-en#3.e Implementation is covered by work related to CCWG Work Streams 1 and 2. The ICANN Board provided the Work Stream 1 proposal to the NTIA on 10 March 2016. Development of Work Stream 2 is still in progress. For updates regarding Work Stream 2, see the CCWG-Accountability wiki page: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/display/WEIA/WS2+-+Enhancing+ICANN+Accountability+Home. |
| Phase 1 | Phase Update | ALAC published AL-ATLAS-02-DCL-01-01-EN: The 2nd At-Large Summit (ATLAS II): Global Internet: The User Perspective: https://archive.icann.org/en/meetings/atlas2014/atlas.icann.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/ATLAS-II-Declaration-with-appendix-RC9.pdf. |